When Ted Kennedy gazes from the windows of his office in Boston, he can see the harbor’s "Golden Stairs", where all eight of his great-grandparents first set foot in America. It reminds him, he told his Senate colleagues this week, that reforming America’s immigration laws is an "awesome responsibility". Mr. Kennedy is the Democrat most prominently pushing a bipartisan bill to secure the border, ease the national skills shortage and offer a path to citizenship for the estimated 12m illegal aliens already in the country. He has a steep climb ahead of him.
As drafted, the bill seeks to mend America’s broken immigration system in several ways. First, and before its other main provisions come into effect, it would tighten border security. It provides for 200 miles (320km) of vehicle barriers, 370 miles of fencing and 18000 new border patrol agents. It calls for an electronic identification system to ensure employers verify that all their
A. introduce the main topic of immigration law reforming.
B. remind the Senate that they have an awesome responsibility.
C. stress the importance of securing the border and easing skills shortage.
D. emphasize the fact that even a Senator is a descendant of immigrants.
甲(男)与乙(女)于2004年10月经人介绍相识,在没有经过充分了解的情况下,两人于2005年5月5日登记结婚,2006年9月l6日乙生下一子丙。婚后甲乙两人感情不和,甲经常对乙施加暴力,多次将乙打伤住院。2006年10月,甲结识了一未婚女子丁,不久即与丁长期共同生活,对乙和丙不管不问。甲为了达到与丁结婚的目的,于2008年12月26日以夫妻不和为由向人民法院提起离婚诉讼。 问: