The notion of using a management degree to do good while doing well has grown in popularity on today’s business school campuses. And an ever-increasing number of students plan on putting their talent to use within the (1) sector. The recession has led many applicants to reevaluate their priorities and (2) what they want to do with their lives, often trading jobs with status and huge paychecks for careers with a (n) (3) social impact.
In order to keep and develop the competitive (4) needed to survive in today’s uncertain economy, nonprofits must run themselves just like any other successful business. What you need to (5) a company well, as is often the (6) within this sector, business skills are essential. (7) are people skills, management skills, financial-analysis skills, IT skills—the list goes on. That’s (8) the MBA degree comes in.
While at business school, social e
A. For
B. With
C. Through
D. Since
It is perhaps the hardest reform of
all. Pension systems or energy shortages can be fixed by cutting entitlements or
spending more. But no amount of money can in itself make a million qualified
teachers materialize in less than a generation. That is the aim of the "Alliance
for Educational Quality" launched by Felipe Calderon, Mexico’s president, this
month. To signal its importance, he gathered together much of his cabinet for
the signing ceremony on May 15th with Elba Esther Gordillo, head of the national
teachers’ union. The need for good teachers is glaring. Mexico was placed dead last among members of the Organization tot Economic Co-operation and Development, a club of mainly developed countries, in reading, science and mathematics in December by the Programme for International Student Assessment. Look beyond s A. improve the pension systems for the retired teacher B. solve the energy shortage problems C. improve the educational condition in Mexico D. show his authority among the cabinet [单项选择]线路直线地段的1435mm为()。
A. 标准轨距 B. 宽轨距 C. 窄轨距 D. 最大轨距 [单项选择]再生障碍性贫血的血象特点是
A. 全血细胞减少 B. 红细胞及血小板正常 C. 红细胞及血红蛋白均减少 D. 血小板减少 E. 周围血大量原始和幼稚白细胞 [单选题]党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线中,( )体现了解放生产力的本质要求。
A.“以经济建设为中心” B.“自力更生,艰苦创业” C.“坚持四项基本原则” D.“坚持改革开放” [单选题]起重机的旋转机构由驱动装置.传动装置.()和旋转装置组成。
A.制动装置 B.安全装置 [多选题]建筑施工现场电缆线路可以()敷设。
A.沿地面 B.埋地 C.沿围墙 D.沿电杆或支架 E.沿脚手架 [单项选择]前置胎盘时进行腹部检查,下列哪项是正确的:
A. 妊娠末期胎头多数已衔接 B. 不易发生胎位异常 C. 胎位不易扪清 D. 胎心常听不清 E. 耻骨联合上方听到胎盘杂音 [单项选择]下列措施中不利于企业构建知识管理制度平台的是()
A. 建立知识库 B. 要求员工按组织规定参与知识管理 C. 用经济利益手段驱动员工参与知识管理 D. 建立金字塔型组织结构 [判断题]感温电缆报警信息会直接上传至综合监控系统
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在安装汇流箱、交流并网配电柜时,除接线端子外不得接触机箱内部的其他部分。
A.正确 B.错误 C. D. E.略 F.略 [简答题]小运转列车和调车时相互隔离有何规定?
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