Enough sleep is important to health. The amount of sleep (21) depends on the age of the per son and the conditions in which sleep (22) . The young may need more sleep than the old, but (23) eight hours are enough for the health of grown-ups. Some can do with less than this amount but (24) may need more. Every person knows his own need. It is then a matter of how to (25) it. Sleep should be always enough to make one relaxed (松弛) and ready for (26) work.
Fresh air is (27) to sound sleep (酣睡). It is not (28) reason for some people to insist that it is practical to sleep in the open air. (29) a person can keep himself warm, out-of-door sleeping probably gives the body (30) complete relaxation.
Troubled by the persistently poor
graduation rates of basketball and football players, the National Collegiate
Athletic Association plans to start punishing schools whose athletes continue to
underperform in the classroom. The proposal, which is expected to adopt next
month, is being proposed by NCAA President Myles Brand as the final and critical
piece of a package of changes designed to boost graduation rates and put the
student back into the often-mocked term, student-athlete. Even supporters of the plan, however, worry that it will prove impractical, characterizing it as a well-intentioned idea that has been weakened by compromise and will ultimately generate more paperwork than real change. There’s also broad acknowledgement that it may cause unint A. help student athletes play better in the coming matches B. raise the academic level of those student athletes C. cut funding to colleges for their poor performance in sports D. boost the academic researches of colleges and universities [简答题]金樱子膏功效与作用
A. 将一年内到期的持有至到期投资和长期应收款列示为流动资产 B. 将一年内到期的长期应付债券列示为流动负债 C. 将应于下一个年度内清偿、企业能够自主地将清偿期推迟至资产负债表日后一年以上、但不打算推迟清偿的长期负债,列示为流动负债 D. 将在一年内到期的长期借款作为流动负债 [单选题]大跨度工业厂房应用( )。
A.钢筋混凝土楼板 B.压型钢板组合楼板, C.木楼楼板 [多选题]存款人办理无卡、无折存款业务时,应在《个人XX凭证》“无卡/折业务填写”栏内完整填写收款人姓名和()等各要素。
A.账号; B.币种; C.金额; D.代理人姓名、联系方式 [单选题]
吗啡缓解心源性哮喘的原理不包括( )。 A.扩张外周血管、减轻心脏负担 B.降低呼吸中枢对CO2的敏感性 C.中枢镇静、消除病人的恐惧、不安 D.加强心肌收缩力 E.缓解呼吸困难 [单选题]65. 国产接头型号NP表示( )。
A.A、内平接头 B.B、贯眼接头 C.C、正规接头 D.D、配合接头 [单项选择]影响放射免疫测定的因素不包括()。
A. 抗原的纯度 B. 抗血清的亲和力和特异性 C. 结合的和游离的放射性物质的分离 D. 相关器材的精确性 E. 大气压 [单选题]LBB10072 电容器具有阻止( )电通过的能力。
A.交流; B.直流; C.高频电流。 [多选题](多选题)下列关于主站缺陷管理的说法正确的有()
A.调度自动化系统运行缺陷的管理流程包括缺陷的发现、报告、处理和验收 B.调度机构自动化值班员、设备的维护人员等其他人员发现缺陷后,应通报现场运行人员。 C.运行人员按现场运行要求对缺陷情况进行记录并跟踪缺陷处理情况。 D.缺陷未消除前,现场应采取临时措施并加强监视,确保电网安全,并防止缺陷的进一步恶化。 E.lue [单选题] (单选题)患者,女,58岁。因冠心病入院治疗,现好转出院,但患者告知仍有便秘的问题。问题1:患者多吃水果可以通便,水果中能起通便作用的营养素是
A. 水果内胶原物质 B. 蛋白质 C. 纤维素 D. 糖类 E. 维生素C [单选题]关于订立合同的要求,下列说法错误的是()。
A.招标人和中标人应该按照招标文件和投标文件的内容确定合同内容 B.订立合同时,中标人在投标文件中提出的工期比招标文件中的工期短的,以招标文件为准签订合同 C.书面合同订立后,招标人和中标人不得再行订立背离合同实质性内容的其他协议 D.根据《招标投标法》,招标人和中标人应当自中标通知书发出之日起30日内订立书面合同 [单选题]下列各项中属于产品固有特性的是( )。
A.价格 B.噪音 C.保修期 D.礼貌 [单项选择]患者,女,26岁,已婚。孕48天,阴道不规则出血5天,突发性下腹剧痛,拒按,伴头晕、肛门下坠感。首先应考虑的诊断是()。
A. 胎动不安 B. 胞阻 C. 异位妊娠 D. 难免流产 E. 堕胎 [单项选择]对报表属性中的数据源设置,下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 参数个数 B. 参数类型 C. 函数类型 D. 函数名称 [判断题]持有相应准驾车型的中华人民共和国机动车驾驶证即可向机场管理机构申领航空器活动区机动车辆驾驶证。(
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]国家工作人员或者其他公民发现国家秘密已经泄露或者可能泄露时,应当立即()并
A.销毁 B.采取补救措施 C.采取隐藏措施 D.采取保密措施 [单项选择]滴虫阴道炎的治疗,错误的是()。
A. 不能耐受口服用药的可选择局部用药 B. 性伴侣治疗 C. 随访至症状消失 D. 全身用药 E. 无需禁止性生活 [单项选择] {{B}}Task 1{{/B}} {{B}}Directions:{{/B}}{{I}} After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. {{/I}}