That afternoon Molly almost danced
along the street, as she walked home with her father from the station. They had
seen Mrs. Gibson and Cynthia off to London. She wished her step - mother would
take herself off to London much more often. "Well now, Dad." she said, "I’m going to have you all to my- self for a whole week. You must be very obedient." "I hope you aren’ t going to boss me, Molly. You’ re walking me out of breath already. We mustn’ t pass Mrs. Goodmays in our hurry." They crossed the street to speak to Mrs. Goodmays, one of the doctor’ s patients. "We’ ve just been seeing my wife and her daughter off to London. They’ve gone up for a week." "Dear me, to London, and only for a week!" said Mrs. Goodmays, with surprise. "It seems hardly worth the packing. It’ll be lonely for you, Molly, without your s A. it showed she was pleased to have been invited B. it seems to have been a pure accident C. she meant him to turn down the invitation D. it was a sign that Tuesday was inconvenient [简答题]一台配电变压器的型号为S9~630/10,该变压器的额定容量为( )。
A.确认工作必要性和安全性。 B.确认电力通信工作票上所填安全措施是否正确完备。 C.确认所派工作负责人和工作班人员是否适当、充足。 D.组织执行电力通信工作票所列由其负责的安全措施。 E.略 F.略 [单选题]中心静脉压的下列叙述,错误的是
A.为腔静脉和右心房的压力 B.其正常值为40.-120.mmHg C.可作为临床控制补液量与速度的指标 D.可反映心脏射血能力和有效循环血量 [多选题]工作票由( )填写。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作负责人 C.工作许可人 D.专责监护人 [多选题]3.132.第132题测量电流互感器极性的意义是()
A.反映二次回路中电流瞬时方向是否按应有的方向流动 B.如果极性接错,则二次回路中电流的瞬时值按反方向流动 C.如果极性接错,将可能使有电流方向要求的继电保护装置拒动和误动 D.如果极性接错,将可能造成电能表计量错误 [单选题]()负责指导监督全省安全生产考试工作。
A.省应急管理厅 B.省人社厅 C.省教育厅 [单项选择]某人向银行贷款100万元,贷款年利率为4%,期限为10年。自第6年初起(恰在该人做第5次还款之后),贷款利率上升至5%。该人在整个还款期间内支付的利息总额为()万元。
A. 24.03 B. 25.03 C. 26.03 D. 27.03 我来回答: 提交