The world’s population continues to
grow. There now are about 4 billion of us on earth. That could reach 6 billion
by the end of the century and 11 billion in another 75 years. Experts long have
been concerned about such growth Where will we find the food, water, jobs,
houses, schools and health care for all these people A major new study shows that the situation may be changing. A large and rapid drop in the world’s birth rate has taken place during the past 10 years. Families generally are smaller now than they were a few years ago. It is happening in both developing and industrial nations, Researchers said they found a number of reasons for this. More men and women are waiting longer to get married and are using birth control devices and methods to prevent or delay pregnancy. More women are going to school or working at jobs away from their home A. more and more children will be born B. fewer and fewer children will be born C. they will be making a lot of money D. the number of retired people will become ever linger 热门试题:[判断题]国务院可以采用发布决定的方式设定行政许可。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]树脂从模板挤出切粒后,被水室中的颗粒循环水冷却固化( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]朱砂的地道产地是( )
A.云南广西 B.山西甘肃 C. 重庆四川湖北 D.贵州湖南 E.河南山东 [判断题]公安民警未经批准,不得接受采访。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]怎么样 汉语 不 她的 实在 水平
[单选题] 起动机的控制机构种类有机械操纵式和( )式两类。
A.电磁操纵 B.增速机构 C.传动机构 D.减速机构 [单项选择]针灸治疗慢性疲劳综合征,应主选的经穴是()。
A. 足太阴经穴 B. 足少阴经穴 C. 相应的背俞穴 D. 足阳明经穴 E. 足厥阴经穴 [单选题]企业向员工提供的薪酬应该与员工对企业的贡献相匹配,这体现了薪酬制度设计的( )。
A.公平原则 B.合法原则 C.激励原则 D.量力而行原则 [简答题]上海闵行区,门诊就医记录册在什么地方补办?
Does Internet disseminate knowledge and wisdom A new buzzword has entered the development lexicon: "knowledge society"-- the information age is the age of knowledge, we are told. There is a danger that the wisdom of the ages is now going to be another piece of jargon. And like all the extinct buzzwords that preceded it, "knowledge" will end up on that dusty shelf where all past development cliches are stored. (66) Second, the knowledge hype may tempt us to regard only formal modern knowledge systems as worthy of attention. Mainstream economics tends to regard knowledge of the seasons, the different uses of roots and fruits, and evolved traditional wisdom as dispensable. Ironically, the so-called "information poor" may be sitting on a gold mine of information stored in the DNA of the plants they use daily. Knowledge is not new--we have known it for millennia. We have also known that wisdom only comes about w [简答题]元件可以分为()和()两大类。
[单选题] 电渣焊适用大厚度的焊件,目前可焊焊件的厚度达()m
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]In School, boys and girls are learning foreign languages,
Do you know how many languages there are in the world There are about one thousand five hundred. English is one of the most important languages because so many people use it, not only in England and America, but also in other countries of the world. It’s difficult to say how many people are learning it. Millions of boys and girls are trying to do so. Many English children study French. French is also a very important language. Some children study German, Russian(俄语) ,Japanese and Chinese. Which is the best way to learn a language We know that we all learn our own language well when we were children. If we learn a second language in the same way, it won’t seem too difficult. How does a small child do He listens to what people say, and he tries to guess what he hears. When he wants something, he has to ask for it. He is using the language, thinking in it and talking in it all the time. If people use a secon A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn’t say. [多选题]安全工器具宜存放在()的安全工器具室内。
A.温度为-15~+35℃ B.相对湿度为80%以下 C.干燥通风 D.干净 [单选题]When students are asked to go to the local museum, libraries, etc. to find out information aboutendangered animals and work out a plan for an exhibition, they are doing a(n) __________.
A.survey B.experiment C.project D.presentation [判断题]翻越障碍训练时,必须设置缓冲垫,在落点等处不必设置专人保护。严禁在障碍板湿滑的情况下实施训练。
[单项选择]Born on July 31, 1965, in Gloucestershire, England, Joanne Kathleen Rowling grew up in rural communities in the southwestern part of that country. Rowling’s childhood experiences (64) her future literary creations. She explored the English countryside, visiting (65) and historical sites which inspired her (66) . Although she disliked science and mathematics, courses, Rowling (67) in literature classes. She penned funny, fantastical tales to (68) her sister Diana and friends, (69) the Potter siblings whose name she later (70) for her wizardry novels.A) arrangement B) construction C) layout D) modification
[单选题]实验室所使用的玻璃量器,都要经过( )的检定。
A.国家计量部门; B.国家计量基准器具; C.地方计量部门; D.社会公用计量标准器具。 [单选题]下列不属于医学伦理学原则的是( )
A.自主 B.公正 C.不伤害 D.克己 E.尊重 [单选题]有关非竞争性抑制作用的论述,正确的是
A.不改变酶促反应的最大速度 B.改变表观Km值 C.抑制剂与酶结合后,不影响酶与底物的结合 D.酶与底物、抑制剂可同时结合,但不影响其释放出产物 [单选题]电缆敷设过程中,各种不同物体上的摩擦系数不同,当接触面为钢管时摩擦系数为( )。
A.0.17~0.19 B.0.13~0.15 C.0.19~0.21 D.0.15~0.17 [单项选择]属于风毒的蛇毒是
A. 竹叶青蛇毒 B. 腹蛇毒 C. 银环蛇毒 D. 眼睛王蛇毒 E. 眼镜蛇毒 [判断题]危险货物和普通货物共同存放时,货运站经营者应当进行分类存放,保证货物完好无损。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对于空气密度如下说法正确的是:
A.空气密度正比于压力和绝对温度 B.空气密度正比于压力,反比于绝对温度 C.空气密度反比于压力,正比于绝对温度 D.空气密度反比于压力和绝对温度 [单选题]按传送的信息不同,计算机中有地址总线、数据总线和( )。
A.ISA总线 B.PCI总线 C.AGP总线 D.控制总线 [单选题]本规程规定了工作人员在( )应遵守的安全要求。
A.检修现场 B.运维现场 C.作业现场 D.抢修现场 [单选题]进入液氯泄漏事故现场的救援人员必须佩戴隔绝式呼吸器, 进入内部执行关阀堵漏任务的救援人员要按( )级防护标 准加强个人防护。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [单项选择]中国绘画史上被尊为“画圣”的画家是( )
A. 顾恺之 B. 吴道子 C. 阎立本 D. 张择端 [单项选择]室内消火栓应()至少进行一次全面的检查维修。
A. 每周 B. 每月 C. 每半年 D. 每年 [单选题]在电气化铁路线路上作业单股一次起道高度不得超过( )mm。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 [简答题]站台门门机内零部件的安装应有()和()措施,且应在站台侧方便更换、调整及维修。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]所以,要促进我国的慈善捐赠,应该注意______,雅俗无论。还要加上一条,充分尊重捐赠者的意愿。
填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是______。 A. 慷慨解囊 B. 倾囊相授 C. 来者不拒 D. 细大不捐 [填空题]机车牵引电动机的全悬挂分为架悬式和( )。
[多项选择]商业银行提供的个人理财业务季度统计分析报告,应包括的内容有( )。
A. 当期开展的所有个人理财业务简介及相关统计数据 B. 当期推出的理财计划简介,理财计划的相关合同情况 C. 当期推出理财计划的内部法律审查意见、管理模式等 D. 当期推出的理财计划涉及的法律诉讼情况 E. 当期理财计划的相关风险监测与控制情况 [单项选择]泌尿男性生殖系结核的原发病灶大多在( )。
A. 骨关节 B. 肠道 C. 肝 D. 肺 E. 胰 我来回答: 提交