{{I}}Questions 27 to 29 are based on the following
news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the
questions. Now listen to the news.{{/I}} |
{{B}}Underground Coal Fires A Looming
Catastrophe{{/B}} Coal burning deep underground in China, India and Indonesia is threatening the environment and human life, scientists have warned. These large-scale underground blazes cause the ground temperature to heat up and kill surroundings vegetation, produce greenhouse gases and can even ignite forest fires, a panel of scientists told the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Denver. The resulting release of poisonous elements like arsenic and mercury can also pollute local water sources and soils, they warned. "Coal fires are a global catastrophe," said Associate Professor Glenn Stracher of East Georgia College in Swainsboro, USA. But surprisingly few people know about them. Coal can heat up on its own, and event A. Coal heats up on its own and catches fire and bums. B. The underground oxygen will be used up. C. Poisonous fumes and greenhouse gases will be accumulated underground. D. There will be an increases of abandoned mines. [判断题]通风空调系统中,水流开关未打开的情况下,冷水机组也可以开启。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]夏季高温季节应调整( )时间,避开高温时段,并做好防暑降温工作。
A.作业 B.开工 C.收工 D.作息 [单项选择]下述病变中,与大肠关系不密切的是
A. 家族性腺瘤性息肉病 B. 绒毛状腺瘤 C. 增生性息肉 D. 溃疡性结肠炎 [单选题]“加速”信号夜间显示方式为:绿色或( )灯光高举左右迅速摇动。
A.白色 B.黄色 C.红色 [单选题]中建八局企业核心文化理念与管理总目标中企业愿景是()?
A.成为最具国际竞争力的投资建设集团 B.成为最具国际影响力的投资建设集团 C.成为国内著名、国际知名的现代化投资建设集团 D.成为国内著名、国际知名的最具影响力建设集团 [单项选择]以下不可以查询张某名下不动产登记信息的是()
A. 欲购买该不动产且已签订购房意向的陈某 B. 因房屋转让合同纠纷且法院已受理诉讼案件的原告刘某 C. 乙某的女朋友丁某 D. 因该房屋继承纠纷且法院已受理诉讼案件的原告余某 [单选题]()应遵循“例外原则”,把一般的日常事务授权给下级管理人员去处理,并使之规范化、标准化和程序化,而自己只保留对例外事项(即重要事项)的决策权和控制权。
A.物业管理领导和激励 B.物业管理计划 C.物业管理控制 D.物业管理决策 [单选题]【单选】
#5炉引风机液压油压力小于()Mpa报警、延时15秒联启备用泵、延时30秒闭锁动叶操作。 A.0.8 B.3.0 C.3.5 D.2.5 [单项选择]下列不能作为细菌分型依据的是()
A. 荚膜 B. 鞭毛 C. 芽孢 D. 菌毛 E. 表面蛋白 [单选题]运维单位应根据()及设备故障情况提出配电网设备退役申请。
A.A.生产计划 B.B.检修计划 C.C.巡视计划 D.D.工程计划 我来回答: 提交