As individuals, we are inherently more
bruited than a community. Although we can consult books and friends and critics,
in the end we are limited to our own single perspectives. We are only one
person--looking at the world from one place, one history, one pattern of
knowing. A community, on the other hand can see things through many eyes, many histories, many ways of knowing. The question is whether it dismisses or creatively makes use of and integrates that diversity. Communities are wise to the extent they use diversity well. The wisest know that every viewpoint represents a part of the truth and that it is through the cooperative creative interplay of the viewpoints that the wisest, most comprehensive and powerful truths emerge. So they engage in that interplay, that dialogue--a creative controversy or consensus proce A. collective wisdom is employed in the management of the community B. government is regarded as useless and unnecessary C. leaders must be powerful and wise enough to guide people D. people are allowed to do whatever they want to do [单选题]G5-1209密封水流量高报
A.1 B.1.2 C.1.3 D.1.5-2.5 [判断题]等离子弧的能量集中(能量密度可达108~l09W/c㎡)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]司法审查制度
[单选题]在电力远动系统中YC代表( )。
A.遥测 B.遥控 C.遥调 D.遥信 [单项选择]消毒:手术
A. 动员:开会 B. 生产:销售 C. 启动:驾驶 D. 彩排:演出 [单选题]桥梁支座应重点检查支承垫石有无()。
A.裂损 B.轻微掉块 C.轻微麻面 D.细小裂纹 [简答题]《学校预防艾滋病健康教育基本要求》初中学段预防艾滋病有哪些方法和措施?
A. 单侧起病,泪腺区疼痛 B. 上睑呈S形弯曲,皮肤红肿,上睑下垂 C. 耳前淋巴结肿大 D. 局部炎症,极少出现发热,体温升高 E. CT示泪腺扩大,边缘不规则 [单项选择]—Where is Li Lei
—He ______ Shanghai. A. has gone to B. has been to C. went to [单项选择]房门上不干胶纸粘贴后留下个胶迹,可用()清除。
A. 煤油或碱水 B. 植物油水 C. 氨水 D. 酒精 [判断题]室内大量射水时,应注意排水,防止过载倒塌。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列扰乱市场秩序情节严重的行为构成非法经营罪()
A. 在生产、销售商品活动中以假充真、以次充好、以不合格产品冒充合格产品的 B. 未经许可经营国家专营、专卖物品的 C. 非法传销,严重扰乱市场秩序的 D. 倒卖文物,严重扰乱市场秩序的 [多选题]以下属于新能源汽车高压安全设计的有( )。
A.高压绝缘独立防护 B.碰撞保护 C.主(被)动泄放 D.电子稳定系统 E.牵引力控制 [填空题]grain2
A.2017 B.2018 C.2019 D.2020 [判断题]绝缘子表面应当清洁,无裂纹、破损、焊接残留斑点等缺陷,磁铁粘合牢固。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交