Later the Greeks moved east from Cumae
to Neapolis, the New City, a little farther along the coast where modern Naples
now stands. We have a very good idea what life in this sun-splashed land was
like during the Roman era because of the recovered splendor of Pompeii and
Herculaneum. But as the well-trod earth of Campania continues to yield ancient
secrets, Mastrolorenzo and Petrone, with their colleague Lucia Pappalardo, have
put together a rich view of an earlier time and what may have been humankind’s
first encounter with the primal force of Vesuvius. Almost all has come to light by chance. In May 2001, for example, construction workers began digging the foundation for a supermarket next to a desolate, weed-strewn intersection just outside the town of Nola. An archaeologist working for the province A. The site was discovered by archaeologists’ extensive study. B. It was the first time human encountered the eruption of volcano. C. The government had little interest in it. D. The site has been practically destroyed. [判断题]消防水源档案资料要指定专人负责保管;基层消防大队.中队制定的消防水源资料要呈报支队审核备案,并复制存档。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]抢夺公私财物虽然达到“数额较大”的标准,但具有下列()情形的,可以视为犯罪情节轻微,免予刑事处罚
A.已满16周岁不满18周岁的未成年人作案的 B.主动投案、全部退赃或者退赔的 C.被胁迫参加抢夺,没有分赃或者获赃较少的 D.其他情节轻微,危害不大的 [单项选择] You defined the Recovery Manager (RMAN) retention policy to recovery window of 7 days by executing the following command: RMAN> CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO RECOVERY WINDOW OF 7 DAYS; When a backup is performed, what would be the status of this backup after seven days?()
A. The backup would be marked as invalid. B. The backup would be marked as obsolete. C. The backup would be removed from the media. D. The backup would be removed from the RMAN repository. [单项选择]对于专门设计开挖的洞室或巷道,宜采用( )。
A. 光面爆破法 B. 洞室爆破法 C. 浅孔爆破法 D. 预裂爆破法 [单项选择]先煮大黄的方剂是:
A. 桃核承气汤 B. 抵挡汤 C. 大陷胸汤 D. 附子泻心汤 E. 大黄黄连泻心汤 [填空题]学生学习的内容大致可分为三个方面知识的掌握和技能的形成、()、()。
[单选题]SS4型电力机车原边回路的耐压为( )而无闪络击穿发生。
A.25kV B.50KV C.60KV D.75KV [单选题] (单选题,1.0分),信息在传输中为了不被非法用户篡改,可使用()。(1.0)
A. 消息认证 B. 身份识别 C. 加密 D. 解密 [填空题]有电调车必须得到()整列尾部越过指定位置的确认答复后,方能办理下一次进路,司机必须服从车场调度值班人员的安排。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某患者改良Barthel指数评分为60分,其意义为()
A. 极其严重功能障碍 B. 严重功能障碍 C. 生活不能自理 D. 基本生活自理 E. 完全生活自理 [单选题]下列哪个选项不是按照验收对象的颗粒度大小对通信工程进行验收?( )
A.一次性验收 B.整体验收模式 C.分类(合同)验收 D.分批(单项)验收 [单选题]为使测量更准确,测量9V电压时,应选用以下哪个量程的电压表( )
A.A.10V B.B.50V C.C.20V [多选题]影剧院的火灾特点主要有( )。
A.建筑高、空间大,易形成立体燃烧 B.一处着火,多处流串 C.建筑物易坍塌 D.易造成人员伤亡 我来回答: 提交