Would you like to spend all evening reading a lovely story with beautiful illustrations and make $ 35,000 at the same time Millions of people all over the world tried to do just that. Only one succeeded. The book is called Masquerade, and was written by British painter Kit Williams. Within its pages are clues to the location of a golden jewel, and whoever figured out the clues could find and keep the treasure.
Some years ago, Williams was asked to write a children’s book. Wanting to do something no one else had done before, he decided to bury a golden treasure and tell where it was in the book. He began painting without a clear idea of what the story would be about, where he would bury the treasure, or even what the treasure would be. As he painted, he decided that in the story a hare, or rabbit, would travel through earth, air, fire and water to deliver a gift from the moon to the sun.
After three years, he finished the paintings and then wrote the story. T
A. give detail
B. sum up the story
C. capture the reader’s interest
D. elaborate upon a point
Carefree, happy-go-lucky, and running
wild are just some of the familiar phrases that come to mind when we think about
childhood. Most of us have a lovely picture of what life is like for children.
What could children possibly have to worry about In the early l980’s, many
medical experts believed that children were unable to experience depression
(忧郁). But the fact is that children do have plenty of {{U}}cares.{{/U}} At least 2%
of children under 12 struggle with depression and by teenage years this has
risen to 5% or 1 in 20. That’s at least one depressed child in every
classroom. Depression, whether in grown-ups or children, is poorly understood. Some children are more at risk, such as those who are ill or who come from a broken family. But there are also many simpler worries, such as exam fears. It’s not always easy to notice A. To help them understand what the problem is B. To find out the most suitable medicine C. To see the kind of friends they have D. To watch children’s activities [单选题] 工作时需要外力,不是利用介质本身的能量使阀门动作的阀门是( )。
A. 液动阀 B. 安全阀 C. 止回阀 D. 自动调节阀 [单项选择]计划工作必须始终坚持以目标为导向,目标应具体、可测量。遵循的是()
A. 可考核性原则 B. 系统性原则 C. 重点原则 D. 创新原则 E. 弹性原则 [多选题]气体在油中的溶解度主要是( )和( )的影响。
A.压力 B.温度 C.湿度 D.风速 [多项选择]信贷资产风险分类中的关注二级,其核心定义内容包括()。
A. 尽管债务人存在一些可能对偿还产生不利影响的因素,但尚具备一定的还款能力 B. 依靠债务人正常经营收入,必要时通过执行担保,通常情况下可以在信贷资产到期后60天内足额收回信贷资产本息 C. 依靠债务人正常经营收入,必要时通过执行担保,通常情况下可以在信贷资产到期后180天内足额收回信贷资产本息 D. 债务人不再具备还款能力 E. 债务人资质极差 [判断题]责任认定与追究审查委员会原则上应在5个工作日内组织审议,并将审议结果提交党委会审定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]作为最高理性的自然法来源于上帝的一贯意志,人定法是自然法在世俗社会中的体现,法律是从自然中产生的,自然来自神的理性,人定法源于自然法,这句话反映了法的哪种起源观( )
A. 神创论 B. 精神发展说 C. 社会契约说 D. 自然社会说 [单项选择]血液透析患者静脉留置导管拔出后指压时间是()
A. 10-20分钟 B. 20-30分钟 C. 30-40分钟 D. 40-50分钟 E. 50-60分钟 [单项选择]推车式灭火器充装的灭火剂量为()。
A. 15-100kg(L) B. 20-100kg(L) C. 30-100kg(L) D. 35-100kg(L) [多项选择]以下哪几款车型拥有四驱版本()。
A. 全新福特翼搏 B. 别克昂科拉 C. 雪佛兰创酷 D. 雪铁龙C3-XR [单项选择]晶体管最基本的功能是()。
A. 放大 B. 缩小 C. 保持不变 D. 随机性 [填空题]当底物浓度远远大于Km,酶促反应速度与酶浓度()。
A. 《发扬伟大的创业精神》 B. 《科学的春天》 C. 《论“费厄泼赖”应该缓行》 D. 《论“费厄泼赖”应该实行》 [不定项选择题]请为下列情况选用适当的有效药物抗菌作用机制为与核蛋白体50S亚基结合,抑制转肽作用及信使核糖核酸(mRN
A.克拉霉素 B.红霉素 C.罗红霉素 D.阿奇霉素 E.万古霉素 [单选题]链条葫芦的吊钩、链轮、倒卡等有变形时,以及链条直径磨损量达()时,禁止使用。
A.8% B.10% C.12% D.15% E.略 F.略 [单选题]电流的热效应的产生是因为导体中存在()
A. 电抗 B. 电阻 C. 电容 D. 感抗 我来回答: 提交