It was late at night on October 10,
1939, when Dr Bethune was busy working in a field hospital. An Eighth Route Army
soldier came and told Dr Bethune that the front was in great need of medical
care. Dr Bethune set off with a medical team at once. On their way, they met a group of wounded Eighth Route Army men. They took the wounded soldiers into a small temple at once and Dr Bethune began to operate on them. Dr Bethune went on working all the night. The next day while an operation was going on, a young man ran in and said to the doctors, "Several hundred enemy soldiers are coming." Soon they heard the sound of gunshots. But Dr Bethune still went on with his work. Twenty minutes later, when Dr Bethune was operating on the leg of the last wounded soldier, the gunshots sounded much closer. This time the young man A. An Eighth Route Army soldier. B. A doctor. C. A Japanese scientist. D. A firmer. [单项选择]火邪、燥邪、暑邪共同的致病特点是( )
A. 耗气 B. 上炎 C. 伤津 D. 动血 E. 生风 [判断题] 仓库内须设置疏散通道、安全出口、消防车通道,此区域内能暂时占用但不得长时间占用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列组织具有法人资格的有( )
A.有限责任公司 B.事业单位 C.有独立经费的机关 D.合伙企业 [单选题] 在树木整形上,为使树木主干通直,就必须保持顶端优势,适当除掉( )。
A.主枝 B.主干 C.侧枝 D.枝梢 [单选题]严格地说,一种较为特殊的税负转嫁的形式是( ),在这种税负转嫁形式下纳税人并未将税收负担转移给他人而是自行消化。
A.前转 B.后转 C.消转 D.税收资本化 [简答题]10.7. 使用绳索开展高空救援时应注意哪些安全事项?
[单选题]1.22 小型汽车科目二考试内容包括_____。
A.桩考 B.坡道定点停车和起步 C.通过单边桥 D.通过限宽门 [填空题]已知一个数列从0项开始的前3项:0,0,1,以后的各项都是其相邻的前3项之和。下列给定的程序中,函数fun( )的功能是:计算并输出该数列前。项的平方根之和sum。n的值通过形参传入。例如,当n=10时,程序的输出结果应为23.197745。
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
fun (int n)
{double sum, s0, s1, s2, s; int k;
if (n<=2) sum=0.0;
s0=0.0; sl=0.0; s2=1.0;
for (k=4; k<=n; k++)
{ s=s0+s1+s2;
sum+=sqrt (s);
s0=s1; s1=s2; s2=s;
return sum
main ( )
{int n;
clrscr ( );
printf("Input N=");
scanf ("%d", &n);
print f ("%f/n", fun (n));
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]正常巡视应( )。
A.穿绝缘鞋 B.穿纯棉工作服 C.穿绝缘靴 D.戴手套 [单项选择]对于单开道岔标准定位时,时速在160km以下时,线岔投影一般应在岔心轨距()之间。
A. 500~800mm B. 735~935mm C. 500~950mm D. 630~1085mm [简答题]结合“给定材料”的内容,联系目前经济危机现状,请提出浙江中小企业走出困境的思路。
要求:(1)有针对性、具体、可行; (2)不超过400字。 [多选题]对未能及时认领又容易腐烂变质的食品,车站保管期限不超过(),如无人认领由()自行处理
A.48小时 B.运营结束 C.车站 D.拾取食品人员 [单项选择]脑卒中痉挛期是指发病后()周内。
A. 1周 B. 1~2周 C. 2~3周 D. 3~4周 E. 不能确定 [判断题]《高速铁路电力管理规则》规定,故障抢修人员接到故障抢修出动命令后,应立即赶往故障现场,将现场情况报告供电调度,并按照调度指令进行抢修处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]抱杆缆风绳与抱杆顶部及地锚的连接应牢固可靠;缆风绳与地面的夹角一般应小于()。
A.30º B.45º C.60º D.90 [单选题]单机包括双机、专列回送的机车在自动闭塞区间紧急制动停车后,具备移动条件时司机须立即将机车移动不少于( )m,再按照先防护后报告的原则,进行防护和报告。
A.10 B.15 C.20 我来回答: 提交