In the 1960s, medical researchers
Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe developed a checklist of stressful events. They
appreciated the tricky point that any major change can be stressful. Negative
events like "serious illness of a family member" were high on the list, but so
were some positive life-changing events, like marriage. When you take the
Holmes-Rahe test you must remember that the score does not reflect how you deal
with stress—it only shows how much you have to deal with. And we now know that
the way you handle these events dramatically affects your chances of staying
healthy. By the early 1970s, hundred A. the way you handle major events may cause stress B. what should be done to avoid stress C. what kinds of events would cause stress D. how to cope with sudden changes in life [判断题]在桥梁中将各块单独钢板拼成构件,主要采用角焊缝。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]客运驾驶人应当每月接受不少于()次,每次不少于()小时的教育培训。
A. 1次、2小时 B. 2次、4小时 C. 2次、1小时 D. 2次、2小时 [判断题]CRH3A型动车组空调风机旋转方向与所贴箭头的指示方向相同或者有明显的风从加热器的出风口吹出。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作业结束,作业人员要认真清点核对短接线数量,送电前________要检查确认短接线已全部收回,防止遗留在接触网上。
A.工作领导人 B.高空作业 C.防护人员 D.地线监护 [单选题]‒年1月10日,一学生因故退学回家,上车后到办公席要求补一张学生票,()。
A.凭校方证明,可买一次学生票 B.不能发售学生票 C.凭学生证发售学生票 D.可以直接发售学生票 [填空题]变压器空载运行时,其( )较小,所以空载时的损耗近似等于( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]丝毫无损的让步
[单选题]公安消防机构对第一审法院的行政诉讼判决不服的,可以提起( )。
A.A B.B C.C D.D [多选题]对于一个非正弦的周期量,可利用傅里叶级数展开为各种不同频率的(),其中角频率等于ωt的称为基波分量,角频率等于或大于2ωt的称为高次谐波。
A.交流分量 B.周期分量 C.正弦分量 D.直流分量 [判断题]征信机构不得采集个人的收入、存款、有价证券、商业保险、不动产的信息和纳税数额信息。但是,征信机构明确告知信息主体提供该信息可能产生的不利后果,并取得其书面同意的除外。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Our bodies depend on sleep to keep a number of delicately balanced systems running smoothly. Without it these systems become subtly off-key, which can eventually lead to more serious consequences. Although the odd broken night never hurt anyone, some sleep experts are now saying that even just an hour of missed sleep, night after night, can cause ill health.
Persistent low-level fatigue is extremely common since insomnia may happen to one in three of us. The cause can lie in surrounding factors, such as an uncomfortable mattress or noisy neighbors. Some insomnia is temporarily caused by stress brought on by a forthcoming special event, such as an exam or pressure at work. How you feel can notoriously affect sleep, too. Anxiety, anger or resentment can all stop us from dropping off and one of prime symptoms of depression is early morning waking. Sleep apnoea, a common disorder in which lapses in breathing cause a shortage of oxygen which in turn disrupts sleep, may need tr [单项选择]某土方工程直接工程费为300万元,以直接费为计算基数计算建筑安装工程费,措施费为直接工程费的5%,间接费费率为8%,则此工程的间接费为()万元。
A. 18.60 B. 19.20 C. 22.90 D. 25.20 [判断题]智 e 通企业版(网银)客户可通过通知存款支取功能全部或部分支取单位通知存款。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]不同类型设备油中溶解气体含量达到或超过注意值时应关注设备健康状态,溶解气体含量增长速度快时依然受注意值的约束:( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不宜与铁剂同时服用的是()
A. 葡萄糖酸铁 B. 琥珀酸亚铁 C. 牛奶 D. 橙汁 E. 叶酸 [判断题]为应对处置恐怖事件,各级反恐怖主义工作领导机构应当成立由有关部门参加的指挥机构,实行指挥长负责制指挥长应当由公安况关负责人担任
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]客户出现停止呼吸或脉搏的情况,有相关资质的员工应尽力帮助客户进行( )急救。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列关于联锁设备(驼峰除外)应满足的条件说法正确是( )。(应知应会-《技规》第88条)
A.当进路上的有关道岔开通位置不对或敌对信号机未关闭时,防护该进路的信号机不能开放 B.主体信号机未开放时,预告信号机不能开放 C.设在辅助所的闭塞设备与有关站闭塞设备可不具备联锁关系 D.正线上的出站信号机未开放时,进站信号机不能开放通过信号 [单选题]下列哪项不符合DIC的诊断标准?
A.血小板计数 80 X 109/L B.凝血酶原时间比对照组延长3秒以上 C.血浆纤维蛋白原 1.5g/L D.3P试验阳性 [单项选择]On May 30, 2009, a speeding car hurtled (猛冲,飞驰) towards an open top bus (26) the Queen of the Netherlands today (27) smashing (撞开) into a crowd and killing four people who were (28) the royal parade.
A 38-year-old Dutchman, who was driving a black hatchback, has been (29) on suspicion (30) carrying out an attack on the Royal Family. Thirteen people were (31) , five of whom (32) in a serious condition, but the Queen and (33) members of the Dutch royal family were not hurt. The black Suzuki(铃木) (34) through the crowd during a parade to mark the Queen’s Day national holiday in the city of Apeldoorn. Princess Maxima, wife of heir Willem-Alexander, watched in (35) , with her hand (36) her mouth, as the vehicle sped a few meters past the royal bus. Footage of the incident shows the damaged car continuing to be driven at high-speed after crashing into members A. east B. the east C. at east D. eastern [单项选择]Assistant To Public Relations Manager
Business Press is the world’s most respected publisher of business news. PR and publicity play (29) essential part in ensuring our continued (30) and this is an outstanding opportunity that (31) also be the start of a career (32) Public Relations. (33) directly to our PR Manager, you will run her office and learn quickly to do just about everything. Filing documents, taking calls (34) journalists and answering their questions are all included in (35) You will also help to organise events and visits, prepare reports (36) month and generally help to run an efficient press office. The perfect candidate will have a (37) standard of education, strong communication skills and an excellent telephone (38) Professional secretarial qualifications are an advantage. A minimum of two years’ experience, (39) should be within a busy office, is essential. You will A. every B. some C. any [多选题]举高消防车的上车部分主要由( )等部分组成。
A.底盘 B.转台 C.上车消防水路 D.臂架 E.工作平台 [多选题]有关调查取证的说法错误的是( )。[易]
A.消防救援机构调查取证时不得少于两人 B.消防救援机构调查取证时只能两人进行 C.消防救援机构调查人员应向被调查取证人员表明执法身份 D.消防救援机构调查人员应向被调查取证人员出示单位介绍信 E.消防救援机构调查人员不能暴露职务身份 [单选题]发动机爆震时,发出清脆而有节奏的金属敲击声,急加速时声响更大,排气管( )。
A.冒蓝烟 B.冒白烟 C.冒黄烟 D.冒黑烟 [多项选择]下列企业财务项目中,属于企业所有者权益的有( )。
A. 盈余公积金 B. 资本公积金 C. 长期借款 D. 未分配利润 E. 营业收入 我来回答: 提交