A.have to
B.the next
{{B}}Driven to Distraction{{/B}} Joe Coyne slides into the driver’s seat, starts up the car and heads to town. The empty stretch of interstate gives way to urban congestion, and Coyne hits the brakes as a pedestrian suddenly crosses the street in front of him. But even if he hadn’t stopped in time, the woman would have been safe. She isn’t real. Neither is the town. And Coyne isn’t really driving. Coyne is demonstrating a computerized driving simulator that is helping researchers at Old Dominion University (ODU) examine how in-vehicle guidance systems affect the person behind the wheel. The researchers want to know if such systems, which give audible or written directions, are too distracting — or whether any di A. If Coyne had stopped the car in time, he wouldn’t have hit the woman. B. The woman would have been knocked over, if Coyne had followed the traffic regulations. C. Coyne is not really driving so it is impossible for him to have hit the woman. D. If the woman had not crossed the street suddenly, Coyne would not have hit her. [单项选择]库存管理常用订货方法有:定量订货库存控制法、复式库存控制法、联合订货控制法、定期订货库存控制法。对同一物品同时准备两个容器,如果一个容器里的物品用完了才去订货,这种订货方法属于( )。
A. 定量订货库存控制法 B. 复式库存控制法 C. 联合订货控制法 D. 定期订货库存控制法 [单选题]【题文】新《安全生产法》第五十条规定:生产经营单位的从业人员有权了解其作业场所和工作岗位存在的危险因素、防范措施及( )。
A.劳动用工情况 B.安全技术措施 C.安全投入资金情况 D.事故应急措施 [多选题]蓄电池的额定容量是用设定的电流把电池放电至设定的电压所用的 的乘积的结果。
A.放电电流 B.放电电阻 C.放电电压 D.放电时间 [单选题]工程完工且未拖欠农民工工资的,施工总承包单位公示( )日后,可以申请注销农民工工资专用账户,账户内余额归施工总承包单位所有。
A. 30 B. 60 C. 180 D. 360 [名词解释]买壳上市
[单选题]公司建立合规联络员制度,各业务部门应当指定至少( )合规联络员,负责合规信息传递、沟通和报告,组织开展本部门合规管理工作。
A.3名 B.2名 C.1名 D.5名 [单选题]处置公路隧道灾害事故,一般情况下车辆应停放在隧道两端洞外( )侧。
A.上 B.左 C.下 D.右 [单选题]清理火场时,必须克服( ),防止发生意外伤害。
A.思想紧张 B.思想放松 C.细心思想 D.麻痹思想 我来回答: 提交