When something happens to shake our
culture—like the terrorist attacks—we pause, not merely from fear. A deeper
self-examination is going on all over the country. And love, family and faith
are emerging. Single people are flocking to dating services, looking for committed relationships. Bridal retailers report a surge in sales. Sales of old-fashioned board games have skyrocketed. The new appreciation for time spent with those we love poses a great spiritual question to materialistic yuppies and workaholic careerists, and that question is this: "Was your life before September 11 really working for you " To many, the answer is no. We once heard of a CEO who spoke at his retirement dinner to a group of your executives. He said, "I know you want my job, and I’ll tell you how to get it. Last wee A. quit their previous life-style B. calculate the cost of their business C. work even harder D. reflect on their success [单选题]为明确诊断首先应做
A.腹腔B超 B.腹部CT C.粪便常规检查 D.直肠指检 E.纤维肠镜 [单选题]电气设备保护接地电阻越大,发生故障时漏电设备外壳对地电压( )。
A.越低 B.不变 C.越高. [判断题]钢轨母材探伤70°探头偏角扫查是利用轨颚反射作用,扩展扫查范围;无偏角扫查是为弥补偏角扫查未检测的区域。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]建筑物的物质折旧包括( )。
A. 有形损耗 B. 正常使用的磨损 C. 功能折旧 D. 意外的破坏损毁 [单选题]根据专用条款约定的内容和时间,不属于发包人的工作范畴的是( )。
A.办理土地征用,拆迁补偿、平整施工场地等工作,使施工场地具备施工条件,并在开工后继续解决以上事项的遗留问题 B.向承包人提供施工场地的工程地质和地下管线资料,保证数据真实,位置准确 C.提供年、季、月工程进度计划及相应进度统计报表 D.确定水准点与坐标控制点,以书面形式交给承包人,并进行现场交验 [单选题]随着漏液量增大,塔板上不能形成足够的液层高度,最后将液体全部漏光的现象称为()现象。
A.A.夹带液泛 B.B.溢流液泛 C.C.漏液 D.D.干板 [判断题]汇票分为银行汇票和商业承兑汇票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列物质跨膜运输的叙述中,错误的是()
A. 人体内红细胞、肾小管上皮细胞吸收葡萄糖的方式相同 B. 线粒体产生的CO2以简单扩散的方式进入细胞溶胶 C. 海带细胞通过主动转运积累I-等溶质,因而不会在海水中发生质壁分离 D. 将酶解法制备的原生质体置于蒸馏水中,会因渗透作用吸水而涨破 [单选题]导曲线支距按道岔标准图或设计图设置,在导曲轨与( )工作边之间测量。
A.基本轨 B.钢轨 C.尖轨 D.护轨 [单选题]赫伯特•西蒙认为,应该用以下哪个人性假设代替“理性人”假设?( )
A.复杂人 B.有限理性人 C.管理人 D.决策人 [简答题]抗震墙的厚度,一、二级不应小于_________;三、四级不应小于_________。
[填空题]Check, draw, rate of exchange, commission, endorse, subject to, current, guaranted, participate, denominations
A person who has a (21) account with a bank can obtain cash in other countries in various ways. The most common method is the purchase of travellers cheques. He can also use his Eurocheque card as identification to (22) his cheques. Or he can (23) on his account in his own country, which means that the cashier will have to telephone, cable, or telex his branch for confirmation. He will have to (24) the cheque, that is’ write his signature on the back. Most of the major banks in Europe (25) in the Eurocheque scheme. When cashier handle travellers cheques, they must (26) that the counter signature is the same as the signature. The holder must then produce his passport as identification. When the formalities are completed, the cashier can issue banknotes and coins to the customer, u [单项选择]在表面粗糙度测量中符号Ra表示()。
A. 轮廓算术平均偏差 B. 轮廓最大高度 C. 微观不平度的十字高度 [单项选择]结构化程序设计主要强调的是()。
A. 程序的规模 B. 程序的效率 C. 程序设计语言的先进性 D. 程序的易读性 [简答题]Write a letter between 100 and 120 words in an appropriate style on the answer sheet. Do not write your name or address.
[多选题]静力学所指的平衡, 是指( )。
A.物体相对于地面保持静止 B.物体相对于物体本身作匀速直线运动 C.物体相对于其他物体作匀速直线运动 D.物(体相对于地面作匀速直线运动 E.物体相对于地面作变加速直线运动 [单选题]下列方法不属于综合评估法的是 ()
A.投票法 B.排序法 C.性价比法 D.栅栏评标法 [单项选择]一患者呼吸表现为有规律的呼吸几次后,突然停止一段时间,又开始呼吸,周而复始,这种呼吸节律称为()。
A. Cheyne-Stokes呼吸 B. 叹息样呼吸 C. Kussmaul呼吸 D. Blots呼吸 E. 抑制性呼吸 [判断题]金融机构、特定非金融机构及其工作人员对与采取冻结措施有关的工作信息应当保密,不得违反规定向任何单位及个人提供和透露,不得在采取冻结措施前通知资产的所有人、控制人或者管理人。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 在起重吊装作业中,确定被吊物的重力是重要的,确定重心位置是无关紧要的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]全口义齿塑料基托的厚度一般为()。
A. 0.5~1mm B. 1~1.5mm C. 1.5~2ram D. 2~2.5mm E. 2.5~3mm [多选题]办理存折解挂支取方式必须为凭()或(),其他支取类型的存折需至柜面办理。
A.折 B.折密 C.折证密 D.折证 [单选题]以下关于人力资本投资的表述,不正确的是( )。
A.投资主体可以是国家或个人 B.投资对象是人 C.投资直接提高人的劳动生产能力 D.是一种非生产性投资 我来回答: 提交