"WHAT’S the difference between God and
Larry Ellison" asks an old software industry joke. Answer: God doesn’t think
he’s Larry Ellison. The boss of Oracle is hardly alone among corporate chiefs in
having a reputation for being rather keen on himself. Indeed’, until the bubble
burst and the public turned nasty at the start of the decade, the cult of the
celebrity chief executive seemed to demand bossly narcissism, as evidence that a
firm was being led by an all-conquering hero. Narcissus met a nasty end, of course. And in recent years, boss-worship has come to be seen as bad for business. In his management bestseller, "Good to Great", Jim Collins argued that the truly successful bosses were not the serf-proclaimed stars who adorn the covers of Forbes and Fortune, but instead self-effacing, thoughtful, monkish sorts who lead by inspiri A. have faster professional advances. B. draw attention from the general population. C. dramatize the changes in their companies. D. use resources of the company in extreme ways. [单选题]31.轴颈卸荷槽.防尘板座及轮座外侧的外露部位发生断轴时,无轴箱滚动轴承50钢车
A.5年 B.3年 C.8年 D.6年 [单选题]上、下部固定绳应水平并处于拉紧状态,允许有平缓的负弛度,5股道及以下不超过( )mm,5股道以上不超过( )mm。
A.100、200 B.150、200 C.100、250 D.150、250 [判断题]为了简化手续提高效率,营销人员可以通过自己的手机号拨打信用卡客服热线代替客户查询卡片信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1999年11月,我国成功发射的第一艘无人试验飞船是?
A.神舟一号 B.天问一号 C.长征一号 D.嫦娥一号 [简答题]什么是规范管理?
A.29 B.34 C.63 D.64 [判断题]按照采煤工作面工序的不同,采煤工作面可分为机采、普采和综采工作面。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题][T]B-F-012 5 2 5
压缩机润滑油系统压力降低的处理措施不正确的是( )。 A.切换检查、修理油泵 B.检查更换破裂漏油油管 C.清洗过滤器 D.及时换油 [判断题]Word2007是文字处理软件
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交