Computer Crime A computer
crime is generally defined as one that involves the use of computers and
software for illegal purposes. This doesn’t mean that all the crimes are new
types of crime. On the contrary, many of these crimes, such as embezzlement
(盗用)of funds, the alteration of records, theft, vandalism (破坏行为), sabotage
(阴谋破坏), and terrorism, can be committed without a computer. But with a computer,
these offenses can be carried out more quickly and with less chance that thA. the offense that the person responsible for the crime will be discovered more quickly B. the crime that all the criminals are new types of crime C. committed by robbers, vandals, and terrorists D. an illegal behavior that involves the use of computers and software [单项选择]考察受训者实际行为发生变化程度的培训评价标准是()。
A. 反应标准 B. 学习标准 C. 成果标准 D. 行为标准 [单项选择]
Color plays a very important role in selling products. It was not until after 1950 that much attention was even given to what the container of a product looked like. Most products were packaged in wrappers that were designed to protect and deliver. But that has all changed. These days, impulse purchasing (冲动型购物) makes up almost 75 percent of the consumer spending, and if the package fails to express the right message, it might be left sitting alone on the shelf. [单选题]城市轨道交通运营突发事件发生后,现场工作人员应当按照各自岗位职责要求开展现场处置,通过 等方式,引导乘客快速疏散。
A.广播系统 B.乘客信息系统 C.人工指引 D.以上全部 [单选题]下列()方法是保护人身安全的最后一道防线。()
A.个体防护 B.隔离 C.避难 D.救援 [单项选择]压缩机启动后按()联锁仪表复位按钮。
A. 放空 B. 泵和压缩机 C. 装置内外间 D. 热源和溶剂输送管线 [单选题]每次哺乳前,产妇清洁乳房应
A.用湿毛巾檫净乳房 B.用肥皂水清洗乳房 C.用酒精消毒乳房 D.用专用消毒剂消毒乳房 E.用碘伏消毒乳房 [判断题]8小时现筛不需维护系统,24小时现筛需要维护系统. ( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简要分析在教育活动中一个成功的教师所扮演的角色。
A. 2-乙基-1-戊烯 B. 3-丁烯 C. 3,4-二甲基-4-戊烯 D. 2-甲基-3-丙基-2-戊烯 [单选题]绝缘挡板用于10kV电压等级时,绝缘挡板的厚度不应小于( ),用于35kV电压等级时不应小于( )。
A.1mm 2mm B.2mm 3mm C.3mm 4mm D.3mm 5mm [单项选择]下列有关间质性肺疾病与结节病的描述,哪种说法不正确
A. 结节病活动期血钙升高,血清血管紧张素转换酶(sAC活性增加 B. 结节病是一种全身多器官系统受累的肉芽肿性疾病 C. 肺泡蛋白沉积症主要予糖皮质激素治疗 D. 蜂窝肺是间质性肺疾病的后期表现 E. 肺泡蛋白沉积症治疗以支气管肺泡灌洗为主 [单选题]在特别潮湿及严重污秽等恶劣环境下,隧道内接触网带电体距回流线的动态间隙困难值为()。-----(总第22题)
A.160mm B.200mm C.240mm D.300mm [单选题]有效循环血量是指( )
A. 单位时间内循环系统存在的总血量 B.单位时间内经循环系统循环的血量 C.维持正常血压所需循环系统内的血量 D.循环系统内除毛细血管床外的循环血量 E.循环系统内除停滞于肝、脾及淋巴窦和毛细血管床外的血量 [单项选择]用AWT组件实现单选按钮功能,使用的组件是( )。
A. Checkbox B. CheckboxGroup C. Checkbox和CheckboxGroup D. Choice [简答题]重大物件的起重、搬运工作应由有经验的专人负责,作业前应进行( )。
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