"Before, we were too black to be white.
Now. we’re too white to be black. " Hadija, one of South Africa’s 3. 5m Coloured
(mixed race) people, sells lace curtains at a street market in a bleak township
outside Cape Town. In 1966 she and her family were driven out of District Six,
in central Cape Town, by an apartheid government that wanted the area for
whites. Most of the old houses and shops were bulldozed but a Methodist church,
escaping demolition, has been turned into a little museum, with an old street
plan stretched across the floor. On it, families have identified their old
houses, writing names and memories in bright felt-tip pen. "We can forgive, but
not forget," says one. Up to a point. In the old days, trampled on by whites, they were made to accept a second-class life of scant privileges as a grim reward for being light A. has started to try to win over the Coloured B. consists of 80% of Coloured members living in the Western Cape C. holds the principles that all races are equal D. is an organization which controlled Cape Town [判断题]初任消防救援人员,必须进行宣誓。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]属于细胞周期非特异性抗肿瘤药物是( )
A.长春新碱 B.环磷酰胺 C.巯嘌呤 D.甲氨蝶呤 E.喜树碱 [单选题] 据一些资料表明,心跳呼吸停止,在()min内进行抢救,约80%可以救活。
A.1 B.2 C.3 [单选题]对于因平行或邻近带电设备导致检修设备可能产生感应电压时,应加装( )。
A.A-标示牌 B.B-围栏 C.C-隔离挡板 D.D-工作接地线或使用个人保安线 [单选题]金融机构应当在大额交易发生之日起( )个工作日内以电子方式提交大额交易报告。
A.3 B.10 C.7 D.5 [简答题]
设在某市区的某娱乐公司,20××年度经营情况如下: [单选题]经过一次调频,系统频率( )。
A.有所增加 B.有所减少 C.增减取决于负荷是减少还是增加 [单项选择]男性,39岁。反复尿频、尿痛、肉眼血尿就诊。尿常规检查:WBC(+++),RBC(++++),蛋白(+)。IVU检查:左肾呈双肾盂输尿管畸形,其中上方肾盂输尿管交界处一直径约1.8cm结石合并肾盂重度积水,分泌功能极差;下方肾盂及右肾分泌功能良好。治疗方式首选()
A. 保守治疗,控制感染 B. 体外震波碎石 C. 左重复肾切除术 D. 左肾盂切开取石术 E. 左肾盂切开取石+重复输尿管与正常肾盂或输尿管吻合术 [单选题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力事故事件调查规程》规定,一次事故造成3人死亡或10人重伤,属于()。
A.特别重大人身事故 B.重大人身事故 C.较大人身事故 D.一般人身事故 [单选题]党的基层组织设立的委员会一般由党员大会选举产生。党员人数在( )以上或者所辖党组织驻地分散的,经上级党组织批准,可以召开党员代表大会进行选举。
A.500名 B.50名 C.100名 D.200名 [单项选择]近代中国办新式企业两大困难()
A. 技术 B. 资金 C. 都不是 D. 都是 [单项选择]直方图用以反映下列哪项的分布()
A. 相互独立资料 B. 构成比资料 C. 连续性资料 D. 频数表资料 E. 双变量资料 我来回答: 提交