Internet is a global network that
connects other computer networks, together with software and protocols for
controlling the movement of data. The Internet, often referred to as "the Net",
was initiated in 1969 by a group of universities and private research groups
funded by the US Department of Defense. It now covers almost every country in
the world. Its organization is informal and deliberately nonpolitical its
controllers tend to concentrate on technical aspects rather than on
administrative control. The Internet offers users a number of
basic services including’ data transfer, electronic mail, and the ability to
access information in remote databases. A notable feature is the existence of
user groups, which allow people to exchange information and debate specific
subjects of interest. In addition, there am a number of high-level services. For
exampl A. is a high level service provided by the Internet B. is the most notable feature with the Internet C. is a basic function performed by the Internet D. can only be achieved by the Internet [多项选择]国家风险限额管理基于对一个国家的综合评级,该评级包括( )。
A. 国家信用风险评级 B. 对一国发生风险事件概率的估计 C. 跨境转移风险评级 D. 对转移风险事件发生概率的估计 E. 事件风险评级 [判断题]如果超声波频率增加,则一定直径晶片的声束扩散角将减小。( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](61232)隧道长度小于( )m时,可不设大避车洞。(1.0分)
A.200 B.300 C.400 D.500 [单项选择]已知某现浇钢筋混凝土梁长6400mm,截面800×1200mm,设计用Φ12mm箍筋,单位理论重量为0.888kg/m,单根箍筋两个弯钩增加长度工160mm,钢筋保护层厚为25mm,箍筋间距为200mm,则10根梁的箍筋工程量为()。
A. 1.112t B. 1.117t C. 1.146t D. 1.193t [多选题]断路器手车(隔离手车)()、()、()位置转换时,本间隔断路器应在分位。
A.工作; B.试验; C.检修; D.运行 [多项选择]下列哪些情形不属于结果加重
A. 侮辱他人导致他人自杀身亡 B. 监管人员对被监管人进行殴打与体罚虐待致人死亡 C. 强制猥亵妇女致人死亡 D. 遗弃没有独立生活能力的人致其死亡 [判断题]班组级安全教育培训可以由考勤员来组织进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在封建社会,占有大量土地的是()。
A. 农民 B. 手工业者 C. 地主 D. 商人 [填空题]一台16位机,它的机器数是有符号数时,能表示的最大正数是(),最小的负数是()。
A.临边作业 B.洞口作业 C.悬空作业 D.攀登作业 [多项选择]急性炎症的局部变化包括
A. 血管通透性增高 B. 血流改变 C. 白细胞附壁 D. 纤维化 [多选题]就业服务体系主要包括( )。
A.职业介绍 B.就业训练 C.失业保险 D.劳动就业服务企业 我来回答: 提交