{{B}} Scientists
Worry Machines May Outsmart Man{{/B}} A robot that can open doors and find electrical outlets to recharge itself. Computer viruses that no one can stop. "Predator" fighters, which, though still controlled remotely by humans, come close to a machine that can kill autonomously. Impressed and alarmed by advances in artificial intelligence, a group of computer scientists is debating whether there should be limits on research that might lead to loss of human control over computer-based systems that carry a growing share of society’s workload, from waging war to chatting with customers on the phone. Their concern is that further advances could create profound social disruptions and even have dangerous consequences. As examples, the scientists pointed to a number of technologies as diverse as experimental m A. become diversified B. become infectious C. are easily destroyed D. are difficult to kill [单项选择]A cracked diaphragm in a thermostatic expansion valve will cause the valve to ().
A. return to a neutral position B. flood the evaporator C. open D. close [填空题]若串s="Program",则其子串的数目是 【3】 。
A. 分保比例 B. 分出责任 C. 自负责任 D. 分保佣金 [单选题]MFABC5表示( )。
A.5公斤ABC干粉灭火器 B.5公斤手提式ABC干粉灭火器 C.5公斤手提贮气瓶式ABC干粉灭火器 D.5公斤手提贮压式ABC干粉灭火器 [单项选择]2001年我国加工贸易进口额是多少亿美元( )
A. 1474.9 B. 1222.3 C. 939.5 D. 854.4 [填空题]A—international trade B—tariff
C—import D—export E—negotiation F—order G—sample H—contract J—transportation K—customs L—trade barrier M—item N—payment O—stocks P—dealing Q—wholesale R—retail S—consumption T—purchase ______国际贸易 ______批发 [判断题]高速铁路行车基本闭塞法采用自动闭塞、半自动闭塞、自动站间闭塞三种。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在高速铁路牵引变电所,高空作业人员要()。
A. 系好安全带 B. 穿好防护服 C. 戴好安全帽 D. 用好接地线 [单项选择]药学基础研究是以发现药学领域的自然规律和发展药学科学理论为目的的研究,是技术知识和探索领域的创造性活动,近年在重大疾病防治药物作用机制与新靶点等领域的研究取得了大量的进展。糖尿病的药学基础研究主要进展是()
A. 过氧化酶体增殖激活受体激动剂的胰岛素增敏作用 B. 2型糖尿病的根治方法 C. 1型糖尿病的根治方法 D. 口服胰岛素药物的上市 E. 人造胰岛素药物的上市 [判断题]对已冻结的铸铁管线.阀门等可以用高温蒸汽迅速解冻。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]用定位销连接承受振动和有变向载荷的地方宜选用()
A. 圆柱销 B. 圆锥销 C. 槽销 [单选题]根据《城镇燃气设计规范》,城镇地下中压燃气管道距街树的水平安全间距为( )。
A. 0.75米 B.1.0 米 C.1.2米 D.1.5米 [单项选择]G
Canada and the United States are two countries. They are on the same continent (大陆) next to each other and share (共有) the same language. These two countries also share in other wags. Canada buys many things from the U.S. Cars and clothes are two examples. The Unite States also buys Canadian made things. Much of the paper used in the United States comes from Canada. Some of the oil we use comes from Canada, too. Americans travel to Canada on holidays. And Canadians often visit the United States. Canadians read about the U.S. in newspapers and books. Americans watch Canadian sports played in the United States. There are important differences between the two countries. They are about the same size. But the U.S. has many more people. Because the number of people is smaller, there is more open space in Canada. There is more unused land. This is another important difference. The writer writes the text mainly to ______. A. introduce the two countries B. show the difference of the two countries C. tell a story of two very friendly countries [多项选择]教育法规定的学生的基本义务有( )
A. 努力学成学业 B. 遵守法律法规 C. 遵守管理制度 D. 遵规尊师、养德修行 E. 获得公正评价和相应证书 [单选题]线路上的伤损钢轨应用白铅油做连续轻伤的标记是( )
A.△ B.一△→ C.△△ D.△△→ [简答题]简述新课程提倡的评价理念。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CRH1A型动车组IDU页面外门显示区域___表示车门关闭并被切断。
A.全蓝 B.蓝边框 C.全灰 D.灰边框 [单项选择]Although he had been many times given the caveat emptor, Feldman purchased paintings and ------- in quantity, often without ------- them first.
A. baubles … rejecting B. supplies … appraising C. antiques … examining D. collectibles … shipping E. (E) trinkets … criticizing [判断题]人类社会的一般规律是:资产阶级民主革命由资产阶级及其政党领导,无产阶级革命由无产阶级及其政党领导。中国的新民主主义革命也不能违背这一规律。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“普世价值”就是一种极具迷惑性、欺骗性并且带有鲜明政治倾向的价值观。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.答案错误,自行解答 [判断题]必须及时清除巷道中的浮煤,清扫或冲洗沉积煤尘。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]警车在执行紧急任务时,使用警报器需要遵守的规定( )
A.遇交通受阻时,可以连续使用 B.在禁止使用警报器的路段使用 C.夜间不得在市区使用 D.列队行驶时,前车已经使用的,后车仍可以使用警报器。 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSSG 510001-2015)第9.5.1.1条规定:停电操作应按照( )的顺序依次操作,送电操作顺序相反。
A.断路器→电源(母线)侧隔离开关→负荷侧隔离开关 B.电源(母线)侧隔离开关→负荷侧隔离开关→断路器 C.断路器→负荷侧隔离开关→电源(母线)侧隔离开关 D.以上三种都可以 [多选题] 在各类图表中都包含的图表元素有()
A.图例 B.图表标题 C.分类轴线 D.数据标签 [单选题]GJ-5型轨检车检查记录图的比例尺,高低、轨向、三角坑、轨距均设置为( )。
A.1:6 B.10:1 C.1:1 D.1:10 [多选题]调度集中区段遇( )情况发出列车时,以调度命令作为列车进入区间的行车凭证。(应知应会-《行规》第117条)
A.停止基本闭塞法改用电话闭塞法。 B.出站(发车进路)信号机故障。 C.未设出站信号机的线路上。 D.超长列车头部越过出站(发车进路)信号机。 [单项选择] It was fifteen past nine as Marie hurried into the office building where she was going to work Her bus had inched along through heavy morning traffic, making her a few minutes late for her very first job. She decided to start out half an hour earlier the next day.
Once inside the lobby, she had to stand at the elevators and wait several minutes before she could get on one going to the sixth floor. When she finally reached the office marked "Smith Enterprises", she knocked at the door nervously and waited. There was no reply. She tapped on the door again, but still there was no answer. From inside the next office, she could hear the sound of voices, so she opened the door and went in.
Although she was sure it was the same office she had been in two weeks before when she had the interview with Mr. Smith, it looked quite different now. In fact, it hardly looked like an office at ail. The employees were just standing around chatting and smoking. In the front of the room, somebody m
A. she had been there only once B. Mr. Smith was not in the office C. nobody was doing any work D. the office had a new appearance [简答题]公司储运消防控制概况?
[单项选择]______the temperature going down so quickly, I don’t think we are able to go on with our experiment.
[A] For [B] By [C] From [D] With 我来回答: 提交