IN 2005 Congress considered an
emergency spending bill that designated $81 billion for military spending and
Asian tsunami relief. It passed easily. A politician would have to be mighty
confident to vote against humanitarian aid and supporting the troops. But complaints have steadily grown about a law that came with the spending bill. The Real ID Act of 2005 established national standards for driving licences. By 2008, it said, every state would have to make sure its licences included "physical security features" and "a common machine readable technology". A state would be responsible for verifying that anyone applying for licences is in America legally. Only licences that met the new standards would be accepted by the federal government. An American who wanted to fly commercially, or do anything else for which he needed to identify A. contain messages that may make states feel uneasy. B. be paid mainly by the federal government. C. force illegal immigrants to be terrorists. D. be able to be recognized by machines easily. [单项选择]罐头食品的主要卫生问题有______。
A. 甲醇污染 B. 杂油醇污染 C. 微生物的污染 D. 醛类污染 [单项选择]依据《安全生产法》的规定,居民委员会、村民委员会对发现其所辖区域内的生产经营单位存在的事故隐患或者安全生产违法行为()。
A. 应当依法给予行政处罚 B. 应当立即下达整改通知书 C. 应当向当地人民政府或者有关部门报告 D. 必须向生产经营单位的安全管理部门举报 [单选题](1.0分)当拆模后混凝土的表面温度与环境温度差大于( )℃时,应对混凝土采用保温材料覆盖养护。
A.15 B.30 C.10 D.20 [单项选择]内存的段式管理有许多优点。下列描述中,()不是段式存储管理的优点。
A. 支持程序的模块化设计和并行编程的要求 B. 各段程序的修改互不影响 C. 地址变换速度快、内存碎片(零头)少 D. 便于多道程序共享内存的某些段 [判断题]三级应急救援调度:调集本支队所有力量和联动单位参与处置。总队全勤指挥部迅速赶赴现场指挥处置,并迅速启动全省跨区域应急救援预案,知当地政府到场组织指挥。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]宿食在胃者,治疗用______法,停滞在肠者,用______法。
A. 50~70ml/kg B. 70~90ml/kg C. 90~120ml/kg D. 120~130ml/kg E. 120~150ml/kg [单选题]依据《安全生产法》的规定,两个以上生产经营单位在同一作业区域内进行生产经营活动,可能危及对方生产安全的,应当签订( )。
A.协议 B.安全协议 C.责任协议 D.安全生产管理协议 [单选题]探伤仪垂直线性误差的测定,每衰减2dB读取参照波幅,直至衰减( )以上。
A.20dB B.26dB C.28dB D.30dB [单项选择]你的项目资源几乎用完了,但还有许多工作要做,你的上级指示你挪用另外一个项目的预算来做你当前的项目工作。你应该怎么做?()
A. 遵照指示 B. 通知公司审计员 C. 如果可能终止项目 D. 要求管理层提供正式的书面文件,并且通知另一个项目的项目经理。 [单选题]区间通信柱(通话柱)每隔( ) km左右安装一个。
A.1 B.1.5 C.2 D.2.5 [判断题]涉假信息登记该功能模块可对客户涉假信息进行管理
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]C70型敞车载重为( )t。
A.60 B.65 C.70 D.75 [单选题]报表、台账、单据的初次填写位置是()
A.上部 B.中部 C.下部 D.左下部 [单选题](1)
A.下降 B.上升 C.变化 [单选题]在DHT11传感器中,传送的数据中8位校验位是( )。
A. 温度小数和整数的加和 B. 湿度小数和整数的加和 C. 温度小数和整数以及湿度整数的加和 D. 湿度小数和整数、温度小数和整数的加和 [单选题]子宫颈癌早期症状
A.接触性出血 B.绝经后阴道流血 C.腹水、腹胀 D.月经改变 E.血性白带 [判断题]事故隐患排查治理情况应当如实记录,并通过职工大会或者职工代表大会、信息公示栏等方式向从业人员通报。其中,重大事故隐患排查治理情况应当及时向负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门和职工大会或者职工代表大会报告。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肝经湿热,蕴结胞中,阻滞冲任可导致的妇科疾病是()
A. 月经过少 B. 癥瘕 C. 闭经 D. 月经后期 E. 痛经 [判断题] 小型车不准拖带大型车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]类圆型包块或较粗索条型,灌肠后移位或消失。见于
A.腹直肌腱划 B.腰椎体及骶骨岬 C.乙状结肠粪便 D.横结肠 E.腹主动脉 [判断题]钢支座销钉剪断时,可暂缓处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]可使胆固醇减低的是()
A. 阻塞性黄疸 B. 肝硬化 C. 脑血栓 D. 脑出血 E. 冠心病 [多选题]甲因在歌厅寻衅滋事被法院判处有期徒刑3年,缓刑4年。法院可以根据犯罪情况,禁止其在缓刑考验期限内从事的活动有( )。
A.进入夜总会、酒吧、迪厅、网吧等娱乐场所 B.接触同案犯 C.未经对方同意,接触被害人 D.接触其他可能诱发其再次危害社会的人 [多选题]定企业定期对在岗生产人员进行有针对性的现场培训活动主要有( )。
A.现场拷问 B.反事故演习 C.技术问答 D.事故预想 [多选题]如果借款人申请的房屋贷款为新建房屋,经办贷款人员应作哪些调查?
A.对楼盘进行实地调查 B.了解楼盘工程进度 C.整个楼盘交易均价 D.周边同类楼盘交易价格 [填空题] Many people imagine that Alzheimer’’s disease (早老性痴呆病), the degenerative disorder that ultimately leaves sufferers with total memory loss, is an inevitable result of aging. This is not so. 【B1】 the risks of contracting the disease increase with age, there are many elderly people 【B2】 memories are perfect. Most of us are so ill- 【B3】 about all forms of memory loss that we label everything as "Alzheimer’’s". Alzheimer’’s disease itself can 【B4】 people as young as 30 and can progress either quickly or slowly. It can also 【B5】 the blame for other non-degenerative conditions such as deep depression. 【B6】 only an examination of the brain tissue during an autopsy (解剖) can produce an accurate 【B7】 of the disease.
The causes of Alzheimer’’s are unknown. They may be either 【B8】 or environmental. A study in 1996 of 13,000 people whose parents or siblings had the disease showed they had five times 【B9】 chance of succumbing 【B10】 the age of 80 than those with no family 【B11】 of the problem
A. A.conversion B.incidence C.concealment 我来回答: 提交