The mystery (悬案) around the
disappearance of the famous crime writer Agatha Christie in 1926 was almost as
{{U}} (36) {{/U}}as any of her exciting stories. At about 11 o’ clock on
the evening of Friday, December 3rd, Mrs. Christie got into her car and took a
drive without saying{{U}} (37) {{/U}}she was going. She didn’t
return. The next morning her car was found without{{U}} (38) {{/U}}at Newlands Corner, Surrey. it was {{U}} (39) {{/U}}put on record that the Surrey Police did not find{{U}} (40) {{/U}}until 11: 00 that morning. People {{U}} (41) {{/U}}that she might have killed herself. {{U}} (42) {{/U}}as the days went by, it was suggested that she was {{U}} (43) {{/U}}. The press and the public naturally took great interest in the{{U}} (44) {{/U}}, with at least one newspaper o A. research B. interest C. review D. search [单项选择]《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》和《水泥厂大气污染物排放标准》均要求烟尘排放浓度小于()mg/m3。
A. 10 B. 30 C. 50 D. 100 [多选题]纳入总部公开招标批次实施采购的是()
A.本期改扩建工程所需开关柜与前期工程不存在接续关系的工程$ B.$扩建高压开关柜与前期高压开关柜、母线非直接接续的工程,采用分段柜、分段隔离柜、过渡柜、封闭母线桥、电缆、封闭绝缘母线非直接接续的工程$ C.$前期设备厂家因其他原因无法应标的改扩建工程$ D.$本期改扩建工程所需高压开关柜与前期工程存在直接接续的工程,在现役母线中间段预留位置扩建或在现役母线边扩建,新增开关柜为非完整母线段的工程$ E.$本期改扩建工程所需充气式开关柜与前期工程存在接续的工程 [判断题]包裹运价里程按实际运送的经路计算,有指定径路时,按指定径路计算。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]准高速发电车48 V直流电源的充电电流应调整在( )A之间
A.5~8 B.8~12 C.44119 D.12~18 [单项选择]塔式起重机严禁用吊钩直接()重物。
A. 连接 B. 起吊 C. 撞击 D. 悬挂 [单选题] 王某系某公安机关的负责人,在办理一起行政案件中,因自己的儿子与案件有利害关系,被决定回避在回避决定作出以前王某所进行的与该案件有关的活动是否有效?( )
A. 有效 B. 无效 C. 是否有效,由该公安机关根据案件情况决定 D. 是否有效,由该公安机关的上一级公安机关根据案件情况决定 [填空题]Task 1
Should a person own a car This is an important question, in a large urban area. there are some good reasons for owning a car. First, a car allows a person to move around freely. With a car there is no need to check a bus schedule or wait for a train. Second, a car is a comfortable way to travel, especially in the winter time. in bad weather, the driver stays warm and dry, while the bus or train rider might have to stand in the rain. Finally, a driver is usually safe in a car at night. There are, on the other hand, many good reasons against owning a car. First, it can be very expensive. The price of fuel continues to rise each year. In addition, it is expensive to park the car. Second, owning a car can cause worry and stress. It is exhausting to drive in heavy traffic. If you leave your car on the street, it might get stolen. That is something also to worry about. What is the passage mainly about The advantages and disadvantages of _ [多选题]在带电杆塔上进行( )、清除杆塔上异物等工作,作业人员活动范围及其所携带的工具、材料等与带电导线最小距离不得小于规程规定。若不能保持规程要求的距离时,应按照带电作业或停电进行。
A.测量 B.防腐 C.巡视检查 D.紧杆塔螺栓 [单选题]紧急漏洞风险排查整改,紧急漏洞( )内完成本单位排查。
A.12小时 B.24小时 C.36小时 D.48小时 [判断题]营业柜员不用将USBKEY、贴膜芯片及时发放客户手中,可以代客户保管。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》发售代用票票价栏按收费种别分别填写在适当栏内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]初产妇,足月妊娠规律宫缩8h,宫口开大6cm,宫缩转弱,25~30s/5~6min,2h查宫口仍开大6cm,宫颈软、无水肿,羊膜囊突,先露头降至+1。正确的处理是()
A. 剖宫产 B. 人工破膜 C. 哌替啶肌注 D. 催产素静脉点滴 E. 鼓励产妇进食、休息 [单选题]债券按付息方式分类,可以分为( )。
A.政府债券、金融债券和公司债券 B.零息债券、附息债券和息票累积债券 C.实物债券、凭证式债券和记账式债券 D.短期债券、中期债券和长期债券 [不定项选择]区位一词源于德文的standort,是由()
A. 杜能 B. w.高次 C. 韦伯 D. 哈特向 [多选题]《安徽农商银行系统委托贷款管理办法》规定,农商银行不得接受委托人下述( )资金发放委托贷款。
A.受托管理的他人资金 B.银行的授信资金 C.具有特定用途的各类专项基金(国务院有关部门另有规定的除外) D.无法证明来源的资金 [简答题]HXN3型内燃机车柴油机和牵引发电机装置组成()间。
[单选题] 决定蓄电池内阻的主要因素是( )。
A.正负极板的电阻 B. 绝缘网状隔板的实际电阻 C.放电电流形成的电阻 D.电解液形成的电阻 [单选题]工业核仪表常用的射线探测器不包括下列哪类仪表()。
A.闪烁探测器 B.电离室探测器 C.光电隔离器 [单项选择] {{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}