甲是侨居在中国S市的乌克兰人,于1998年死亡,遗有现金、存款、首饰、家具等,价值人民币10万元。甲没有配偶,无子女,也没有其他亲属随他一起生活,生前未立遗嘱。因为查找不到甲有无继承人,当地外事部门申请S市中级人民法院发出寻找继承人的公告。在公告期限内,甲的侨居于瑞士的弟弟乙主张法定继承权,并向法院提供了有关亲属关系的证明文件。 请问:
假如公告期满后,没有人提出权利请求,该财产应如何处理? Blocks of "high-rise" flats have been
built in large numbers in London and in many other big cities. Just after the
Second World War these big, twenty-to-thirty storey buildings, hundreds of feet
in height, were thought to be the ideal solution to the housing problem. For on
the one hand, there was severe housing shortage, but on the other hand, there
was lack of space to build houses in urban areas. Blocks of "high-rise" flats
seemed at first to be able to solve the problem, since they can offer more
families to live in on less land. The beautiful, modem apartments in the
high-rises were much sought after by people who lived downtown. Hundreds of the vast blocks had been built before anyone began to doubt about whether they were good solutions or not. Are they suitable places for people, children especially, to live in A we A. it was not until hundreds of the vast blocks had been built that people began to doubt whether they were good solutions or not B. hundreds of the vast blocks had not been built until anyone began to doubt whether they were good solutions or not C. people began to doubt whether they were good solutions or not before hundreds of the vast blocks had been built D. since hundreds of the vast blocks had been built, some people began to doubt whether they were good solutions or not [单选题] 客车基本型号:RZ表示的是( )车。
A.软座 B.硬座 C.硬卧 D.双层硬座 [多选题]党的各级领导干部要加强道德修养,做到( ),反对官僚主义,反对任何滥用职权、谋求私利的不正之风。
A.自重 B.自省 C.自励 D.自警 [填空题]物资设备供应商信用等级每季评价一次,根据不良行为的类别将评定结果分为()三个等级。
[多选题]湿度的表示方法有( )。
A.露点 B.水蒸汽分压 C.绝对湿度 D.相对湿度 [单选题]学生发展的根本动力是( )
A.学校教育 B.社会环境 C.家庭期望 D.主观努力 [判断题] HMIS运用子系统应有与HMIS其他子系统、铁路货车运行安全监控系统、其他专业信息系统的数据接口,实现货车运用数据的全路共享。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]In this passage the author mainly discusses ______.
A.2.5m B.3m C.4m D.4.5m [单项选择]柯布西埃的( )的规划方案,是他的现代城市规划和建设思想的集中体现。
A. 明天城市 B. 未来城市 C. 光辉城市 D. 现代城市 [判断题]根据《民法典》的规定,民事主体可以依法查询自己的信用评价,发现信用评价不当的,可以自行采取删除这一必要措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]财政部应当在每年第( )季度部署编制决算草案的原则、要求、方法和报送期限,制发中央各部门决算、地方决算及其他有关决算的报表格式。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 我来回答: 提交