On the first day of school one of my
classmates began a talk with me that changed my life. She said, "Hi, handsome.
My name is Rose. I’m eighty-seven years old." "Why are you in college at such an age " I asked. "I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!" she told me. After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet and I’ll never forget what she taught us. She cleared her throat and began: "We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor each and every day. You’ve got to h A. they fulfill all they want to B. they still have dreams to fulfill C. they become elderly people D. they find the chances to change [单项选择]根据赫茨伯格“双因素理论”,能产生好的激励作用的需要是( )。
A. 生存需要 B. 安全需要 C. 社交需要 D. 尊重需要 [单选题]机动车在什么样的路面上制动时车轮最容易抱死?
A.混凝土路 B.土路 C.冰雪路面 D.沙土路 [多选题]工作票签发人的安全职责:( )。 【多选题】
A.确认工作必要性和安全性 B.确认工作票上所填安全措施是否正确完备 C.确认所派工作负责人和工作班人员是否适当和充足 D.确认工作班成员状态良好 E.负责检查工器具合适 [单选题]矩形截面尺寸不小于( )。
A.70.7mm×70.7mm B.40mm×40mm C.40mm×160mm D.250mm×250mm [判断题]()铁路轨道由道床.轨枕.钢轨.联结零件.防爬设备及道岔组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]支行行长每月查库不少于( )次。
A. 1次 B. 2次 C. 3次 D. 4次 [单项选择]下列哪种疾病不会导致肺泡出血()。
A. 系统性红斑狼疮 B. 风湿性关节炎 C. Wegener肉芽肿 D. 二尖瓣狭窄 E. Goodpasture综合征 [单项选择]女性,28岁,右下腹疼痛6小时来诊,查体:腹肌紧张,右下腹压痛反跳痛明显,双肾区无叩痛。
若病人诊断为急性阑尾炎,有助于其定位诊断的是 A. 腰大肌试验 B. 结肠充气试验 C. 右下腹压痛反跳痛 D. 直肠指诊触及痛性包块 E. 右下腹肿块 [单选题]依据《中华人民共和国消防法》的规定,消防工作贯彻()的方针,坚持专门机关与群众结合的原则,实行防火安全责任制。
A.预防为主、防消结合 B.安全第一、预防为主 C.综合治理、群防群治 [单选题]下列( )不是消防队火灾扑救作战原则。
A.先控制,后消灭 B.集中兵力 C.分割 D.攻防并举 [单选题]艾森克人格问卷不包含以下哪个维度?
A.外倾性 B.精神质 C.神经质 D.宜人性 [单选题]室内消火栓阀杆材料力学及耐腐蚀性能性能不低于( )。
A.不锈钢 B.黄铜 C.铸铁 D.铅黄铜 [填空题]His so-called friends assured him that __________________ (有管等待他的是什么), they were there to share it.
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