Children living with single parents encounter many problems. They are more (1) stressful experiences than are children living with continuously married parents. (2) scholars define stress in somewhat different ways, most assume that it occurs when external demands(3) people’s coping resources. This results in feelings of emotional distress, a(n) (4) capacity to function in school, work, and family roles, and an increase in physiological indicators of arousal. Economic hardship, incompetent parenting, and loss of (5) with a parent can be stressful for children. Conflict between nonresident parents appears to be particularly harmful when children feel that they are caught (6), as when one parent speaks ill of the other parent in front of the child, when children are asked to transmit(7)or emotionally negative messages from one parent to the other, and when one parent attempts to recruit the child as an ally (8) the other. Interparental conflict is a direct stressor for childr
A. reluctance
B. separation
C. attachments
D. reliance
An English schoolboy would only ask his
friend: "Wassa time, then " To his teacher he would be much more likely to speak
in a more standardized accent and ask: "Excuse me, sir, may I have the correct
time please " People are generally aware that the phrases and expressions they
use are different from those of earlier generations; but they concede less that
their own behavior also varies according to the situation in which they find
themselves. Not only this, but in many cases, the way someone speak affects the response of the person to whom he is speaking in such a way that "modeling" is seen to occur. This is what Michael Argyle has called "response matching". Several studies have shown that the more one reveals about oneself in ordinary conversati A. are trying to be accepted by others without even knowing it B. have a strong demand for balance when they are speaking C. always have an instinct to imitate the people they are talking to D. themselves want to know each other well [单选题]陷坑开挖一般应挖至坑底以下()m。
A.1 B.2 C.0.5 D.1.5 [单选题]巡线人员发现导线、电缆断落地面或悬挂空中,应设法防止行人靠近断线地点( )m以内,以免跨步电压伤人,并迅速报告调控人员和上级,等候处理。
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.10 [多选题]依据《建筑工程资料管理规程》及工程资料()提出资料的形成规定。
A.类别 B.专业 C.来源 D.保存形成要求 E.填写要求 [填空题]
· You will hear another five short recordings. · For each recording decide who is talking. · Write one Letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. · Do not use any letter more than once. · After you have listened once, replay each recording. A a receptionist B an interpreter C an accountant D a typist E a lawyer F a salesperson G a trainer H a courier [单项选择]When does the museum close today( )
A. Half past five. B. Six o’clock. C. Half past six. [单选题]《A市日报》刊登了一则严重失实的反映A市公安局滥用强制措施的新闻报道。对此,A市公安局依法向人民法院提起新闻侵权诉讼,要求《A市日报》赔礼道歉。公安局的行为属于下列哪一种?
A.法的适用 B.法的遵守 C.法的执行 D.法的解释 [单选题]下列哪些不属于形式美学的二分法?
A.简单与复杂 B.明亮与灰暗 C.平衡与不平衡 D.清楚与模糊 [单选题]生产经营单位的()依法履行安全生产工作职责,对安全生产工作全面负责,其他负责人对职责范围内的安全生产工作负责。
A.法定代表人 B.实际控制人 C.主要决策人 D.主要负责人 [判断题]租赁物在租赁期间, 发生所有权变动的, 租赁合同终止。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )604电动节流控制箱液动节流阀待命工况时,处于()。
A.关位 B.3/8 C.18-23mm D.1/2-3/8; [多项选择]直接与电源相连的电动机和照明电路应有短路保护,短路保护一般用( )。与电源直接相连的电动机还应有过载保护。
A. 短路保护器 B. 熔断器 C. 自动离子断路器 D. 自动空气断路器 E. 漏电保护器 [填空题]There are 17 kinds of penguins in the world. All of them live in the southern{{U}} (36) {{/U}}. Only a few{{U}} (37) {{/U}} live on the continent of Antarctica at the bottom of the world. The emperor penguins are the largest. They are about 100{{U}} (38) {{/U}} tall and weigh about 30 kilograms. Their special{{U}} (39) {{/U}}of mating makes them different from all other penguins.
For thousands or years the emperor penguins have lived on the{{U}} (40) {{/U}}continent of Antarctica. These black and white birds live in large groups or colonies. There are about 40 emperor penguin colonies on Antarctica. In total there are about 400.000 birds.
These birds spend the summer swimming in the ocean in{{U}} (41) {{/U}}of food such as fish and{{U}} (42) {{/U}}. Penguins are not able to fly, but they are{{U}} (43) {{/U}}swimmers.{{U}} (44) {{/U}}But when summer ends, so does this easy time spent by the water. {{U}} (45) {{/U}}
{{U}} (46) {{/U}} They must find an are
[单选题]入侵防御系统(IPS)是继入侵检测系统(IDS)后发展期出来的一项新的安全技术,它与IDS 有着许多不同点,请指出下列哪一项描述不符合 IPS 的特点?
A.串接到网络线路中 B.对异常的进出流量可以直接进行阻断 C.有可能造成单点故障 D.不会影响网络性能 [多选题]消防救援队伍( )和(
)接受审计监督。 A.所有单位的经济活动 B.各级领导干部管理情况 C.财务收支情况 D.各级领导干部履行经济责任情况 [单选题]装卸作业时,两个车组距离不足( )m时,应在两组车的外方设置防护信号。
A.A、10 B.B、20 C.C、35 D.D、40 我来回答: 提交