What can be said of the normal process
of aging, from a linguistic point of view In general (1) ,
there is a clear and (2) relationship: no-one would have much
difficulty (3) a baby, a young child, a teenager, a
middle-aged person, or a very old person from a tape recording. With
children, (4) is possible for specialists in language
development, and people experienced (5) child care, to make
very detailed (6) about how language correlates with age in
the early years. (7) is known about the patterns of
linguistic change that affect older people. It is plain that our voice quality,
vocabulary, and style alter (8) we grow older, but research
(9) the nature o A. speech B. terms C. ways D. cases [单项选择]They are (20) along the major roads throughout the Northeast. Form the parking lots, they look like railroad or trolley cars, but the cheery curtains in the windows, the flower boxes on the window sills, and the "Come on in, we’re open" (21) on the doors (22) something different. These are the diners, where eating is a (23) restaurant experience.
The first diners appeared almost one hundred years ago. (24) they were horse-drawn wagons filled with sandwiches, hot dogs, desserts, and coffee for people who wanted to eat (25) after 8:00 p. m. Many restaurants were already closed (26) that hour, but the diner stayed open. (27) earning the nickname, "night owl" It was not until 1897, (28) , that the trolley design of the diner became popular. When Boston, Philadelphia, and New York City (29) their horse-drawn trolleys with modern electric cars, the abandoned models were bought by (30) merchants for 15 or 2 [单选题]无人机系统中,起降操作手一般不参与哪个阶段控制:
A.起飞阶段 B.降落阶段 C.巡航阶段 [多选题]以下对绝缘电阻表的选用描述正确的是( )。
A.测量前应检测绝缘电阻表是否完好 B.绝缘电阻测量前后必须对试品进行放电、接地 C.被测部分的低压电子元器件对测量结果没有影响 D.测量时,应使绝缘电阻表与被测物体的接线正确 [简答题]地下和高架线路因设施设备故障等原因导致列车迫停区间需组织区间疏散时行调应如何处理?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]依据《中国电业安全工作规程热力和机械部分》(GB26164.1-2010)第3.2.11规定:地板上临时放有容易使人绊跌的物件(如钢丝绳等)时,必须设置明显的警告标志。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《河北省有限空间作业指导手册》规定,6个体防护装备是指包括但不限于便携式有毒有害气体检测装置、( )、防毒面罩、通讯设备、安全绳索等装备。
A.安全帽 B.防护服 C.呼吸器 [单选题]1069 一根电缆管允许穿入()电力电缆。
A.4根 B.3根 C.2根 D.1根 [判断题]在得到工作负责人的同意后,作业人员可登上起重机。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发生这种情况最可能的原因是
A.用药前病人未进食 B.用药后未及时进餐 C.注射胰岛素剂量过大 D.抽吸胰岛素剂量不足 E.未查空腹血糖 [单选题]磁场削弱电阻过热烧损的主要原因是某牵引电动机( )连线断路。
A.主极 B.附加极 C.电刷 [判断题]热像仪的有效监测距离为80米。(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患儿女,8个月。因多汗,烦躁,睡眠不安就诊,患儿为人工喂养,至今未加辅食,体检:可见方颅,手镯,足镯。护理该患儿时应特别注意( )
A.定期户外活动 B.烦躁时镇静 C.保持安静,减少刺激 D.注意保暖 E.心理支持 [判断题]()受霜冻的烟叶从叶尖开始,初呈水渍状,以后变成褐色,品质不受影响。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]灾害事故
[单项选择]螺杆式制冷压缩机的供油方式为( )。
A. 飞溅润滑 B. 离心供油润滑 C. 压力供油润滑 D. 润滑油喷射 [单选题]“恰当用舵,少用舵,用小舵角”是船舶在()的引航操作方法之一。 ( )
A.弯曲河段 B.夜间航行 C.浅滩河段 D.顺直河段 [单选题]在Excel 2003中,只能把一个新的工作表插入到______。
A.所有工作表的最前面 B.所有工作表的最后面 C.当前工作表的前面 D.当前工作表的后面 [单项选择]下列法律文书中, 不是人民法院据以执行的根据。
A. 发生法律效力的民事判决、裁定 B. 先予执行的民事裁定书 C. 仲裁机构制作的发生法律效力的裁决书、调解书 D. 当事人签字盖章的合法合同 [单选题]"老年人 8 小时睡眠中活动少于几次易发生褥疮
A.40 次 B.25 次 C.60 次 D.20 次 [单项选择]作为计算资本金基数的总投资,是指投资项目的( )。
A. 建设投资 B. 铺底流动资金 C. 建设投资和铺底流动资金之和 D. 资本金 我来回答: 提交