W: Could I speak to you for a few minutes, Mr. Sherwin
M: I’ m very busy at the moment. Can’t it wait until tomorrow
W: Uh... well, it’ s rather urgent. And it won’ t take long,
M: Oh, all right. What’s it
W: It’ s a personal matter. Uh, you see, my husband is ill and has gone into hospital.
M: Sorry to hear that. But why do you want to talk to me about it
W: Because I’ d like to stay at home for a few days.
M: But why I think you’ll be going to hospital to look after your husband.
W: Just a few days. I need to look after both my husband and my little daughter.
M: Well, you’ d better stay at home on Friday, as well.
W: That’s very kind of you.
Two related paradoxes also emerge from
the same basic conception of the aesthetic experience. The first was given
extended consideration by Hegel, who argued roughly as follows: our sensuous
attention and that gives to the work of art its peculiar individuality. Because
it addresses itself to our sensory appreciation, the work of art is essentially
concrete, to be understood by an act of perception rather than by a process of
discursive thought. At the same time, our understanding of the work of art is in part intellectual; we seek in it a conceptual content, which it presents to us in the form of an idea. One purpose of critical interpretation is to expound this idea in discursive form—to give the equivalent of the content of the work of art in another, nonsensuous idiom. But criticism can never succeed in this task A. The sensuous appreciation of art. B. The basic conception of the aesthetic experience. C. How to appreciate the work of art. D. The relationship between form and content of the work of art. [单选题]不属于经常送检的标本是( )
A.尿 B.粪 C.血液 D.病理切片 E.痰 [单项选择]临床工作中,正常肌肉运动单位电位电压()
A. <100μV B. >5mV C. <5mV D. <5mA E. 以上均不是 [单项选择]男性,45岁,办公室工作,体检发现空腹血糖6.2mmol/L,无多饮、多尿、多食,身高168cm,体重77kg2年后,该患者空腹血糖8.9mmol/L,餐后2小时血糖15.6mmol/L,体重无变化,首选的口服降糖荮是()
A. 二甲双胍 B. 阿卡波糖 C. 格列齐特 D. 瑞格列奈 E. 那格列奈 [判断题]运行管理机构可随时对周转住房进行入室核查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某种商品每月采购量2400件,单价30元/件,年储存费率12%,一次订购费用为 40元,则定量库存控制的EOQ为( )件。
A. 900 B. 800 C. 700 D. 600 [判断题] ()在拆卸制冷剂管路接头时,扳手应卡住两端面,防止制冷剂管路扭转。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]贫血病人常出现
A.低张性缺氧 B.循环性缺氧 C.血液性缺氧 D.组织性缺氧 E.细胞缺氧 [单选题]下列关于职业素养的叙述,不正确的一项是( )。
A.职业素养是一个人在职业过程中表现出来的综合品质。 B.职业素养主要是由先天素养决定的,与后天努力关系不大。 C.资质、知识、行为和技能是显性职业素养,人力资源管理中比较重视。 D.职业道德、职业意识、职业态度隐性职业素养更深刻影响着员工发展。 [单项选择]工程项目的规划、决策、实施过程受到项目内外部诸多条件的约束。其中,外部约束条件管理的主体是______。
A. 项目管理部门 B. 工程咨询单位 C. 各级政府职能部门 D. 总承包商 [简答题]若遇特殊情况需解锁操作,应经设备运维管理部门防误操作装置专责人或( )指定并经公布的人员到现场核实无误并签字。
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