High in a smooth ocean of sky floated a
dazzling, majestic sun. Fragments of powdery cloud, like spray flung from a wave
crest, sprinkled the radiant, lake-blue heaven. Relaxed on a bundle of hay in a comer of a meadow bathed in sunlight, Paul lay dreaming. A gentle breeze was stirring the surrounding hedges; bees moved, humming thoughtfully, from scarlet poppy to purple thistle; a distant lark, invisible in blue light, was flooding the vast realm of the sky with glorious song, as the sun was flooding the earth with brilliance. Beyond the hedge a brook tinkled over softlyglowing pebbles. Butterflies hovered above nodding clover. An ant was busily exploring the uncharted territory of Paul’s suntanned wrist. A grasshopper skidded briskly over his ankle. And the blazing sun was steadily scorching hi A. It was a new area for discovery. B. It was very large. C. It was very dangerous. D. It was unattractive. [多选题]证券公司申请设立集合资产管理计划,应聘请律师事务所对拟设立集合资产管理计划 的合规性和申报材料的( )出具法律意见。
A.真实性 B.准确性 C.完整性 D.合法性 [单项选择]病人男性,30岁,因天气寒冷,于睡前将火炉移入卧室内取暖,清晨邻居发现其昏睡不醒,急送医院,体检:血压12/6.7 kPa(90/50 mmHg),体温 39℃,呼吸28次/min,心率112次/min,面色苍白,口唇呈樱桃红色。
病人经抢救清醒后好转,立即要求出院,出院3天后突然出现一侧肢体瘫痪,导致瘫痪最可能的原因是 A. 脑出血 B. 短暂性脑缺血 C. 脑血栓形成 D. 迟发性脑病 E. 药物过量中毒 [判断题]根据《刑法修正案(十一)》,关闭、破坏直接关系生产安全的监控、报警、防护、救生设备、设施,或者篡改、隐瞒、销毁其相关数据、信息的,发生重大伤亡事故或者其他严重后果的现实危险的,处一年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]自动闭塞区间,列车运行至装有容许信号的通过信号机显示停车信号时,准许货物列车在该信号机前不停车,以最高不超过20 km/h通过,运行到次一通过信号机,按其显示的要求运行。当容许信号灯光熄灭或容许信号和通过信号机灯光都熄灭时,司机在确认信号机装有容许信号时,仍按上述速度通过该信号机。(技规)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]车普通螺纹时,车刀的刀尖角应等于( )。
A. 30° B. 55° C. 60° [多选题]当你与同伴二人从背后接近一个身体弱小,没有携带凶(武)器的犯罪嫌疑人,你会选择以下( )控制技术将其制服。
A.使用抱膝顶摔技术进行控制 B.使用重击技术给其重创后,再予控制 C.使用二对一两侧接近控制技术,并上拷 D.一人为主实施锁喉摔并上拷,另一人负责监控与配合 [名词解释]自然地质灾害
[多选题]以下几种属于我国的股票划分类别( )
A. 国家股 B. 个人股 C. 法人股 D. 人民币特种股 E. H股 [多选题]地铁灾害事故特点有( )。(中)
A.人员伤亡重 B.容易引发次生灾害 C.造成交通中断 D.救援困难 E.经济损失大 [单项选择]Clearly if we are to participle in the society in which we live we must communicate with other people. A great deal of communicating is performed on a person-to-person basis by the simple means of speech. If we travel in buses, buy things in shops, or eat in restaurants, we are likely to have conversations where we give information or opinions, receive news or comment, and very likely have our views challenged by other members of society.
Face-to-face contact is by no means the only form of communication and during the last two hundred years the art of mass communication has become of one of the dominating factors of contemporary society. Two things, above others, have caused the enormous growth of the communication industry. Firstly, inventiveness has led to advances in printing, telecommunications, photography, radio and television. Secondly, speed has revolutionized the transmission and reception of communications so that local news often takes a back seat to national news, wh A. local news used to be the only source of information B. local news still takes a significant place C. national news is becoming more popular D. international news is the fastest transmitted news [判断题]严格按照调车作业调车步骤执行,认真核对调动列车所在股道。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]路桥运管单位分管领导( )到站稽查不少于一次
A.每月 B.每季度 C.每半年 D.每年 [填空题]( )京酱肉丝 ( )鱼香肉丝
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交