In the 1920s and the 1930s,the short
story, as a form, was difficult to sell. Readers found it an awkward compromise
between a poem and a longer novel. The long-short story or novella was scarcely
known. Certain comic geniuses like P. G. Wodehouse found it easy to reach and
keep a vast public with short stories, either alone or in series. And of course
there was W. Somerset Maugham. But the less accomplished writers found the
market dwindling even further. Since 1945, the entire literary picture has changed. Fiction of ail kinds, but above all the short story, has become more and more uneconomic to publish. Many magazines have gone out of business. As a type, the "man of letters", puffing a pipe, has almost vanished, to be replaced by the university lecturer or the television scriptwriter. The public is not attracted by imagi A. Both P.G. Wodehouse and W. Somerset Maugham sold their short stories better than other writers. B. Neither P. G. Wodehouse nor W. Somerset Mangham sold their short stories better than others. C. P.G. Wodehouse sold his short stories better than W. Somerset Mangham. D. W. Somerset Maugham sold his short stories better than P.G. Wedehouse. [多项选择]肾中所藏精气具有( )
A. 主生长、发育作用 B. 主水作用 C. 生髓作用 D. 主生殖作用 E. 生血作用 [单项选择]肺动脉瓣血流的多普勒频谱有什么特点
A. 舒张期出现,双峰形状,正向 B. 收缩中期出现,负向,尖峰形状 C. 收缩期为正向,舒张期为负向,尖峰形状 D. 收缩期正向,双峰,舒张期负向,波峰园钝 E. 持续全收缩期,负向,正弦波形状 [多选题]下列各选项中,按照“产权转移书据”贴花的有( )。
A.土地使用权转让合同 B.商品房销售合同 C.专利申请权转让合同 D.专利实施许可所书的合同 E.非专利技术转让所书立的合同 [单选题]我国规定,微波辐射小于( )为安全区。
A.10mw/cm2 B.5mw/cm2 C.3mw/cm2 D.38μw/cm2 [名词解释]总线事务
[判断题]扑救爆炸物品火灾时,切忌用沙土盖压,以免增强爆炸力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]SQL语言中,要删除模式ABC并同时删除其下属的数据库对象,相应的SQL语句是DROP SCHEMA ABC______。
[单选题]心电图上 P 波 QRS 波群无关,心室率 40 次/分,律齐,可考虑诊断为:
A.室性心动过缓 B.Ⅱ度Ⅱ型房室传导阻滞 C.交界区心律 D.房性早搏未下传 E.Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞,伴室性逸搏心律 [判断题]我国目前广泛采用的网上发行方式是网上竞价发行。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]岗位的质量要求是每个职工必须做到的最基本的
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]直流电机的励磁方式可分为他励,并励,串励,( )
A.自励 B.多励 C.复励 [判断题]承力索、接触线间距1000mm时采用“S”型连接方式。(1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]商业银行法规定,商业银行经营结汇、售汇业务,需经()批准。
A.中国银保监会 B.中国人民银行 C.工商总局 D.财政部 [单项选择]期权的执行价格是指( )。
A. 期权成交时标的资产的市场价格 B. 买方行权时标的资产的市场价格 C. 期权合约的价格 D. 买方行权时买入或卖出期货合约价格 [多选题]公路桥涵养护应做到(___)。
A.A.桥涵外观整洁,桥面铺装坚实平整、横坡适度 B.B.标志、标线等附属设施齐全完好 C.C.桥头连接顺适,排水畅通 D.D.结构完好无损 [单项选择]
A. 107 B. 129 C. 143 D. 150 [判断题]根据电功率P=U2/R可知,在串联电路中各电阻消耗的电功率与它的电阻成反比。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]社会主义改造基本完成后,我国社会的阶级关系发生根本的变化是指( )。
A.原地主与富农被改造成为自食其力的新人 B.工人阶级成为国家的领导阶级 C.知识界已经成为社会主义服务的服务 D.农民和其他个体劳动者变成社会主义的集体劳动者 [填空题]
The origins of bottled water can be{{U}} (36)
{{/U}}back to the earliest{{U}} (37) {{/U}}. Well aware of water’s
health facts, the Romans searched for and developed sources as they set about{{U}}
(38) {{/U}}their empire.
The spa movement that began to{{U}} (39) {{/U}}in Europe in the eighteenth century had its origins in baths dating from Roman times. Science and{{U}} (40) {{/U}}touted natural mineral water’s{{U}} (41) {{/U}}effects for bathing, showering and drinking. For example, as early as 1760, people came to Contrexeville in France for a cure to{{U}} (42) {{/U}}kidney stones. The spa tradition was also developing in many other countries, including Italy and the Americas. Cold spa waters were bottled for the first time in France in the 1850s. The legal permit to bottle Vittel Grande Source natural mineral water was{{U}} (43) {{/U}}as early as 1855. {{U}} (44) {{/U}}. In 1845, Poland Spring water was bo [判断题]票据系统发起的票据信息,审批环节可以修改相关票面要素。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]注射剂的质量要求不包括( )。
A.澄明度 B.无热源 C.溶出速度 D.无菌 [单选题].不属于意识障碍的是
A.A.失眠 B.B.嗜睡 C.C.昏迷 D.D.谵妄 E.E.浅昏迷 我来回答: 提交