Energy{{/B}} White light seems to be a combination of all colors. The energy that comes from a source of light is not limited to the kind of energy you can see. Heat is given off by a flame or an electric light. On a cloudy day it is possible to get a sunburn even though you feel cool. Visible light and the kind of energy that produce warmth and sunburn are examples of electromagnetic energy. The sun is 93 million miles from the earth. Yet we can use energy from the sun because electromagnetic energy travels through space. Many other kinds of energy are also types of electromagnetic energy. Radio, television, and radar signals travel from transmitters to receivers as l A. Nuclear reactions as the lasting source of the sun’s energy. B. The most important source of energy. C. Types of electromagnetic energy. D. The machines used for energy generation. E. Seeking new sources of energy. F. The use of ultraviolet radiation in medicine. [单选题] ( )是一种移动式灭火设备,与泡沫消防车或装有泡沫比例混合器的消防泵配合使用,用于扑救中小型油罐火灾。
A.高倍数泡沫发生器 B.喷雾水枪 C.多功能水枪 D.空气泡沫钩管 [单选题]发电机解列,定子线圈温度低于( )时,可以停止内冷水泵运行。
A.50℃ B.60℃ C.55℃ D.65℃ [单项选择]杜仲的功效
A. 祛风湿,补肝肾,强筋骨,安胎 B. 祛风湿,强筋骨,利水消肿 C. 补肝肾,强筋骨,安胎 D. 补肝肾,行血脉,续筋骨,安胎止漏 E. 补肝肾,强筋骨,祛风湿 [单项选择]有关变态反应性接触性皮炎以下错误的是()
A. 属速发型变态反应 B. 有一定潜伏期 C. 接触者仅少数人发病 D. 接触致敏物多属半抗原 E. 外用药物可引起接触致敏反应 [判断题] 真空断路器灭弧室的真空度应该保持在10-4~10-10Pa范围内最佳。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]扳道、信号人员在扳动道岔、操纵信号时,认真执行“一看、二扳(按)、三确认、四显示(呼唤)”制度;对进路上不该扳动的道岔,可不确认。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列关于入伙的法律效力表述正确的有( )
A. 新合伙人与原合伙人享有同等权利,承担同等责任 B. 新合伙人与原合伙人享有同等权利,不承担同等义务 C. 新入伙的普通合伙人对入伙前合伙企业的债务承担无限连带责任 D. 新入伙的普通合伙人只对入伙后合伙企业的债务承担无限连带责任 E. 新入伙的有限合伙人对入伙前合伙企业的债务以其认缴的出资额为限承担责任 [单项选择]下列关于零基预算的说法错误的是( )。
A. 零基预算要在现有费用项目和开支水平的基础上编制 B. 零基预算的编制时间往往较长 C. 采用零基预算,要逐项审议各种费用项目或数额是否必要合理 D. 零基预算能够调动企业各部门降低费用的积极性 [单项选择]改革开放30多年来,我国人口和计划生育事业取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就,实现了人口再生产类型由()向()的历史性转变。
A. 高出生、低死亡、高增长;低出生、低死亡、低增长 B. 高出生、高死亡、高增长;低出生、低死亡、低增长 C. 高出生、低死亡、高增长;低出生、低死亡、高增长 D. 低出生、低死亡、高增长;低出生、低死亡、低增长 [单选题]垫砟起道作业时,一次垫入的厚度不得超过20mm,抬起高度不得超过( ),两台起道机要同起同落。
A.30mm B.40mm C.50mm D.60mm [简答题]采用缓凝型外加剂或抗渗混凝土,养护时间不应少于多少天?(GB50666-2011)8.5.2
A. 牛黄 B. 石膏 C. 芒硝 D. 青黛 E. 甘遂 [单选题]1支设高度在( )以上的柱模板,四周应设斜撑,并应设立操作平台。
A.2m B.2. C.3m D.3. [单选题]64、银环蛇咬伤致死的主要原因是
A.循环衰竭 B.DIC C.呼吸衰竭 D.肾衰竭 E.肝功能衰竭 [单选题]在 MySQL 中,关于GROUP BY多字段分组,下列说法正确的是()。
A.分组优先级从左到右。 B.分组字段调换先后顺序不影响结果。 C.多字段分组,第一个字段不能出现重复数据。 D.以上说法都不对。 [判断题]采用当面许可的方法许可开始工作的命令时,工作许可人和工作负责人应分别记录许可时间和双方姓名,复诵核对无误。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]设施设备管理必须贯彻“开源与节约并重,以节约为主”的方针,遵循“谁用谁管、()、计划供应、依靠地方、安全卫生”的原则。
A.功能齐全 B.合理利用 C.适度消费 D.严格审批 [单选题]WD-320动力稳定车控制右侧钢轨压力控制及作业走行速度电路板是()。
A.EK-502P B.EK-2032LV C.EK-2031LV D.EK-2033LV [单选题]RSTP 配置 BPDU 报文中的 Type 字段取值为?( )【单选题】
A.0x03 B.0x01 C.0x00 D.0x02 [单项选择]
Record Level of Stress Found in College Freshmen The emotional health of college freshmen--who feel buffeted by the recession and stressed by the pressures of high school--has declined to the lowest level since an annual survey of incoming students started collecting data 25 years ago. In the survey, "The American Freshman: National Norms Fall 2010", involving more than 200,000 incoming full-time students at four-year colleges, the percentage of students rating themselves as "below average" in emotional health rose. Meanwhile, the percentage of students who said their emotional health was above average fell to 52 percent. It was 64 percent in 1985. Every year, women had a less positive view of their emotional health than men, and that gap has widened. Campus counselors say the survey results are the latest evidence of what they see every day in their offices--students who are depressed, under stress and using psychiatric me A. Its size and reputation. B. Its popularity and scale. C. Its scale and durability. D. Its influence and size. [判断题]商品的价值量是由生产商品的个别劳动时间决定的。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]采煤机润滑油使用一段时间后会变质,需要及时更换,更换周期为( )个月。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 [单项选择]重庆一号线地铁列车地铁车轮的直径范围是()。
A. 770~840㎜ B. 760~840㎜ C. 770~860㎜ D. 760~860mm 我来回答: 提交