Under existing law, a new drug may be
labeled, promoted, and advertised only for those conditions in which safety and
effectiveness have been demonstrated and of which the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has approved, or socalled "approved uses." Other uses have
come to be called "unapproved uses" and cannot be legally promoted. In a real
sense, the term "unapproved" is a misnomer because it includes in one phrase two
categories of marketed drugs that are very different; drugs which are
potentially harmful and will never be approved, and already approved drugs that
have "unapproved" uses. It is common for new research and new insights to
demonstrate valid new uses for drugs already on the market. Also, there arc
numerous examples of medical progress resulting from the serendipitous
observations and therap A. the increased cost to the patient of buying an FDA-approved drug B. the medical benefits which can accrue to the patient through unlabeled use C. the time lag between initial discovery of a medical use and FDA approval of that use D. the possibility that a medically beneficial use may never be clinically documented [多选题]各农商行定期全面核对账务及股东信息,确保股本( )相符。
A.账账 B.账证 C.账簿 D.账实 E.内外账务 [单选题]受送达人同意采用电子送达的,需要签订( )
A.税务文书电子送达确认书 B.税务文书送达回证 C.税务提示提醒告知书 D.无需签订 [多项选择]根据为业主服务的时间范围,建设项目管理可分为( )。
A. 设计阶段 B. 可行性研究阶段 C. 施工阶段 D. 实施阶段全过程 E. 工程建设全过程 [单选题]骨折的处理原则除外:
A.复位 B.固定 C.康复治疗 D.手术 [判断题]在处理事故或倒闸操作时,不得进行工作交接;工作交接时发生事故,应停止交接,由接班人员处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列划分人体阴阳不确切的是()。
A. 上部为阳,下部为阴 B. 体表为阳,体内为阴 C. 六腑为阳,五脏为阴 D. 腹部为阳,背部为阴 E. 心为阳,肾为阴 [单选题]雷雨时不得接近高压电杆( )以内。
A.10m B.5m C.3m D.2m [判断题]启用冷回流或冷回流量增加或冷回流带水,分馏塔顶压力升高。
[单选题]防高温手套由凯夫拉防火纤维密织而成,具有很强的防火隔热耐高温和防切割防刺穿性能,耐热温度( )℃。
A.220 B.380 C.450 D.1000 [判断题]柴油机在空转时转速正常,加载时转速不正常时,多为喷油泵故障或供油齿条卡滞。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]生产经营转基因食品应当按照规定显著标示。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]ZD6型电动转辙机由电动机、减速器、()、移位接触器、底壳及机盖等九个部分组成。
A.开闭器 B.动作杆 C.表示杆 D.油缸 [判断题]DB包含DBS和DBMS( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]各级单位安全监督部门是本单位到岗到位工作归口管理部门。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 我来回答: 提交