Passage Two Questions 31 to 33 are based on the passage you have just heard.
What should college students realize according to the speaker() America’s Federal Reserve cut interest
rates by another quarter-point, to 3.75 %. Wall Street, which had been
21 for a sixth half-point cut, was disappointed. The Dow fell by
2% 22 the week. The past week’s economic statistics gave
mixed signals. Exports dropped by 2% in both March and April,
largely 23 a decline in high-tech investment 24 ;the merchandise-trade 25 widened to $ 458 billion in the 12 months 26 April. 27 ,the Conference Board’s index of consumer confidence was higher than 28 in June. Concerns 29 inflation in the Euro area A. Although B. Therefore C. However D. Hence [单选题]下列出库作业流程正确的是_____。
A.订单审核- 出库信息处理 - 发货检查- 拣货- 装车-发货信息处理 B.订单审核- 出库信息处理 - 拣货- 装车-发货检查- 发货信息处理 C.订单审核- 出库信息处理 - 装车 -发货检查- 拣货- 发货信息处理 D.备 料→复核→包装→点交→登账→现场和档案的清理过程 [判断题]串级控制系统从整体上看是定值控制系统,要求主变量有较高的控制精度;但从副回路来看是随动系统,要求副变量能准确、快速地跟随主控制器输出的变化而变化。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]窄基塔按平腿设计,耐张塔塔高分为( )
A.12m B.13m C.15m D.18m [单项选择]According to Cindy, what is the purpose of the synthesized voice on "smart" cars7
A. To warn of dangers. B. To explain traffic regulations. C. To wake up drivers who are falling asleep. D. To give directions. [判断题]会计结算部门应该做好农合机构会计运营业务系统建设发展规划的组织与实施。
A.侧面反射波带来干涉 B.侧面折射带来干涉 C.频率太高 D.以上都不是 [单选题]题干:葡萄糖进入细菌细胞内部的运输方式是( )
A.单纯扩散 B.协同扩散 C.基团移位 D.主动运输 [单选题] 砌筑过程中,墙身砌体高度超过地坪( )m以上时,应使用脚手架。不得用砖垛或灰斗搭设临时脚手架。 (1.0分)
A. 1.0 B. 1.2 C. 1.5 D. 1.8 [单项选择]当一个不爱学习的学生表现出良好的学习行为时,老师撤除对他的批评,老师的这一做法属于( )。
A. 正强化 B. 负强化 C. 消退 D. 惩罚 [单项选择]肤痒颗粒适用于()。
A. 荨麻疹 B. 痤疮 C. 急性湿疹 D. 脚癣 E. 手足皲裂 [单选题]在竣工验收阶段,建设单位要对从筹建到竣工投产全过程的全部实际支出的费用进行汇总,编制()。
A.竣工结算 B.施工结算 C.竣工决算 D.施工图预算 我来回答: 提交