第28—30题为套题: 2004年,18家中资保险公司获准筹建。数百亿资金怀着对高额投资回报的美好憧憬,涌入保险业。然而,如此庞大的资本群落非但没有为中国保险业带来预期的推动,反而纷纷在筹建路上抛了锚,在经历了近一年的法定筹备期后,只有6家公司得以开业。作为公司投资人的股东往往认为管理人的业绩不尽如人意,这些大多来自政府机构、科研院校以及专业人士的管理团队,往往存在不同程度的自负心理,习惯于指挥股东,这让股东感觉很不舒服。同时,由于在原国有企业养成的大手大脚的积习也极易触动民营股东最敏感的神经。“一支和谐团队,一定要实现经营班子内部的和谐及其与股东间的信任和默契。”2009年刚刚开业不久的某寿险公司总裁,在接受记者采访时作出了上述表示。
组织中的信任需要合作共识,而合作共识离不开成员之间的利益平衡。利益平衡意味着()。 ①组织的成员相信自己不会被其他成员不公平的利用 ②组织中的成员避免不公平的利用他人 ③组织成员既关心自身的利益也不忽视其他成员和整体的利益 In 1999, the price of oil hovered
around $16 a barrel. By 2008, it had (21) the $100 a barrel
mark. The reasons for the surge (22) from the dramatic
growth of the economies of China and India to widespread (23)
in oil-producing regions, including Iraq and Nigeria’s delta region.
Triple-digit oil prices have (24) the economic and political
map of the world, (25) some old notions of power. Oil-rich
nations are enjoying historic gains and opportunities, (26)
major importers—including China and India, home to a third of the world’s
population— (27) rising economic and social costs. Managing this new order is fast becoming a central (28) of global politics. Countries that need oil are clawing at each other to (29) scarce supplies, and are willing to deal with any government, A. advanced B. grew C. reduced D. multiplied [填空题]At Yale University, some ten students live off campus in a cooperative home they call the Green House.41)__________. Late at night, they drive to the store and quietly jump into its car-sized dumpster, picking out unopened packages of still fresh food. They find milk, eggs, bread and cookies, chocolate, soup, vegetables, even frozen pizzas and soymilk. Not only are most Green House residents vegetarian, but they are also moderate freegans, meaning that they eat mainly what they can get for free. These students, of course, are trying to leave as small an "ecological footprint" as possible.
42)__________. Across America other devout environmentalists tire "off the grid", building shacks in the wilderness without running water or electricity. Frustrated with environmental destruction and waste, they have renounced the system that fosters and perpetuates it. Such ascetic anti-consumerism may be the most dramatic side of environmentalism, and it leads to cultural ferment that can set i [多选题]新参加电气工作的人员、( ),应经过安全知识教育后,方可到现场参加指定的工作,并且不准单独工作。 (1.0分)
A.实习人员 B.临时参加劳动的人员(管理人员、非全日制用工等) C.外来人员 D.配合工作人员 [多选题]根据我行采购招标管理委员会议事规则,采购招标管理委员会需对投标者的( )等进行全面验审。
A.财务状况 B.供应与生产能力 C.资质及信誉 我来回答: 提交