One factor that can influence consumers is their mood state. Mood may be defined (1) a temporary and mild positive or negative feeling that is generalized and not tied (2) any particular circumstance. Moods should be (3) from emotions which are usually more intense, (4) to specific circumstances, and often conscious. (5) one sense, the effect of a consumer’s mood can be thought of in (6) the same way as can our reactions to the (7) of our friends -- when our friends are happy and "up", that tends to influence us positively, (8) when they are "down", that can have a (9) impact on us. Similarly, consumers operating under a (10) mood state tend to react to stimuli (刺激因素) in a direction (11) with that mood state. Thus, for example, we should expect to see (12) in a positive mood state evaluate products in more of a (13) {{/U}} manner than they would when not in such a state. (14) , mood states appear capable of (15) a consumer’s memory.
A. given
B. fixed
C. granted
D. driven
I was in a strange city and I didn’t
know the city at all, and what is more, I could not speak a word of the
language. After having spent my first day in the town-centre, I decided to lose
my way on my second day, since I believed that this was the nearest way of
getting to know the strange city. I got on the first bus that passed, rode on it for several stops, then got off it and walked on. The first two hours passed pleasantly enough. Then I decided to turn back to my hotel for lunch. After walking about for some time, I decided I had better ask the way. The trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street in which I lived and even that I pronounced badly. I stopped to ask a friendly-looking newspaper-seller. He smiled and handed me a paper. I shook A. didn’t help him B. pointed at him C. didn’t understand what he really meant D. didn’t know the way [多项选择]期货公司年度报告应当由期货公司的()签署确认意见。
A. 董事 B. 监事 C. 财务负责人 D. 高级管理人员 [单项选择]少尿是指()
A. <100ml/24h B. 100ml~500ml//24h C. 1000~2000ml//24h D. 2000~2500ml//24h E. >2500ml/24h [多项选择]以下属于邪教组织的是()。
A. 呼喊派 B. 日本“奥姆真理教” C. 美国“人民圣殿教” D. 主神教 [填空题]司机起动列车前使用列尾装置检查( )制动主管压力是否与机车制动主管压力基本一致。
A. 自动锁闭 B. 抵触锁闭 C. 敌对锁闭 D. 制约锁闭 [判断题]酸、碱和甲、乙、丙类液体高位储槽,应设满流管或液位控制装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]甲状腺吸131I测定,检查前7~60天,可食用的食物是
A.海蜇 B.紫菜 C.海带 D.淡菜 E.淡水鱼 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》中规定,乘坐普通旅客列车,旅客携带品,每件物品外部尺寸长、宽、高之和最大不超过()cm。
A.160.0 B.140.0 C.130.0 D.150.0 [单项选择]具有良好的耐腐蚀性能,并有较好的耐磨性,漆膜有良好的弹性和硬度,收缩率较低,使用温度一般为90~100℃的防腐材料是()。
A. 过氯乙烯涂料 B. 环氧树脂涂料 C. 呋喃树脂漆 D. 沥青漆 [单选题]坡度指坡段的线路水平夹角的正切值。即该坡段两端的高差除以水平距离,其值以 表示。 ( )
A.毫米 B.百分率 C.千分率 D.万分率 [单选题]《党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例》规定,党政领导职务实行选任制、委任制,专业性较强的领导职务可以实行( )。
A.聘任制 B.考任制 C.推荐制 D.委派制 [判断题]A类泡沫灭火剂主要用于固体火灾扑救。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]目前很多汽车生产企业为新产品加装了安全气囊装置,这种风险管理的具体方式属于()
A. 避免 B. 预防 C. 抑制 D. 转移 [判断题]判断题箱门开启后应采取有效措施对箱门进行固定,防范由于刮风或触碰造成箱门异常关闭而导致事故
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]公安机关对涉嫌诈骗的张某进行传唤,应当将传唤的原因和处所通知()。
A.张某所在单位或者家属 B.张某家属 C.张某所在地的村民委员会 D.张某所在地的公安派出所或者家属 [判断题]煤气是冶金生产中主要的危险源之一,其主要危害是腐蚀、毒害、燃烧和爆炸。
[单项选择]最常用的担保方式是( )。
A. 留置 B. 质押 C. 保证 D. 定金 [判断题]在没有偶然误差的前提条件下,总体平均值与真实值相同。( )
[多项选择]患者女,30岁。停经65天,反复阴道少量出血15天,血HCG为764IU/ml,收入院诊治。曾吸宫术2次,剖宫产术1次。提示:妇科检查:触及宫颈管肿大,似有肿物,较软。B超报告:宫腔线状回声,宫颈管内中低回声团块。 考虑的诊断有()
A. 难免流产 B. 绒癌 C. 不全流产 D. 先兆流产 E. 宫颈妊娠 F. 子宫粘膜下肌瘤 [单项选择]抢救口服有机磷农药中毒病人洗胃时最常用的洗胃液是()
A. 0.9%氯化钠注射液、温开水 B. 热开水 C. 2%碳酸氢钠 D. 1:5000高锰酸钾溶液 E. 5%葡萄糖注射液 [单项选择]My husband and children feel very happy to live here. They can’t see that we live on a dirty street in a dirty house among people who aren’t good. They can’t see that our neighbors have to make happiness out of all this dirt. I decided that my children must get out of this. The money that we’ve saved isn’t nearly enough.
The McGaritys have money but they are so proud. They look down upon the poor. The McGarity gift just yesterday stood out there in the street eating from a bag of candy while a ring of hungry children watched her. I saw those children looking at her and crying in their hearts; and when she couldn’t eat any more she threw the rest down the sewer (下水道). Why Is it only because they have money There is more to happiness than money in the world, isn’t there Miss Jackson who teaches at the Settlement House isn’t rich, but she knows things. She understands people. Her eyes look straight into yours when she talks with you. She can read your mind. I’d like to see the c A. money is the most important thing B. there is something more important than money C. we should look into their eyes while talking to people D. the more money you have, the less happy you would be [单项选择]在世界近代历史上,曾出现如下国际分工:美洲和东欧提供自然资源,非洲提供奴隶劳动力,亚洲制造日常消费器和奢侈品,西欧则主要从事运输业、金融业和制造业。促成这一分工的主要原因是()
A. 新航路的开辟 B. 荷兰和英国的殖民掠夺 C. 世界市场的最终形成 D. 第二次工业革命 [单选题]( )是救活触电者的首要因素。
A.请医生急救 B.送住医院 C.向上级报告 D.使触电者快速脱离电源 [单项选择]关于大叶性肺炎的叙述,下述哪一项是错误的()
A. 肺泡腔内大量红细胞及白细胞 B. 肺泡腔内有细菌 C. 肺泡壁充血,腔内有渗出液 D. 肺泡壁结构破坏 E. 肺泡腔内纤维素可被机化 [单项选择]恶性肿瘤的淋巴道转移中,最多见的为
A. 区域淋巴结转移 B. 穿过或绕过淋巴结的“跳跃式”转移 C. 在毛细淋巴管内形成癌栓 D. 经皮肤真皮层淋巴管的转移 E. 经皮肤淋巴管转移 [单选题]A公司应调增的应纳税所得额为( )万元。
A.200 B.240 C.300 D.350 我来回答: 提交