Literature is a form of art that can be
enjoyed without formal instruction. However, people with (1)
knowledge of literature may miss a lot (2) reading a novel,
short story, poem, play, or (3) . These readers are
comparable to the (4) at a football game who watch the game
and (5) it without really understanding the complex
movements (6) on the field. Although they may enjoy the
(7) , many spectators watch only the ball (8)
, missing entirely the contribution of other members (9)
tile total play as well as the intricacies occurring within the
(10) . A person who understands football- (11)
better yet, has played the game -is more capable (12)
judging when a team is playing well or (13) and
is also likely to enjoy a "good" game more. A. dislike B. like C. enjoy D. evaluate [单选题]社会精神财富的源泉是( )
A.客观的物质世界 B.脑力劳动者的集体智慧 C.思想家们的创造性思维 D.人民群众的社会实践 [单项选择]申请人凭危险化学品( )向工商行政管理部门办理登汜注册手续。
A. 经营申请书 B. 经营许可证 C. 经营注册证 D. 营业执照 [简答题]担子菌担子有几种类型?
[单项选择]我国银行公布的理财产品收益率均为预期的( )
A. 年化收益率 B. 月华收益率 C. 债券收益率 D. 存款利息率 [单项选择]“小岗村的历史是改革开放的历史,小岗村是中国农村改革的缩影。”从中同学们可以领悟到的哲学道理是()
A. 事物发展的前途都是光明的 B. 矛盾的普遍性寓于特殊性中 C. 矛盾是事物发展的源泉和动力 D. 量变达到一定程度必然引起质变 [判断题]在总功率不变的条件下,功率因数越小,则电源供给的有功功率越大。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在学制发展过程中,有些国家规定学生在小学和初中阶段接受统一的基础教育,高中以后可以接受普通教育或职业教育。这些国家的学制类型属于( )。
A.单轨学制 B.双轨学制 C.多轨学制 D.分支型学制 [单项选择]诊断急性胰腺炎首要的检查方法是()
A. 血、尿淀粉酶测定 B. B超 C. CT D. 腹腔穿刺 E. ECT [单选题]《客规》中,铁路车站、列车及与运营有关人员在执行职务中的行为代表( )。
A.铁路运输企业 B.承运人 C.托运人 D.承运人和托运人 [单选题]若肝浊音界扩大,可见于那种疾病
A.A:晚期肝硬化; B.胃肠穿孔; C.气腹; D.重型肝炎; E.肝瘀血; 我来回答: 提交