I am 15. Now I’m studying English in London. I want to
invent a language machine that can help me understand as many languages as
possible. Marie, France |
I am 13. I dream of going to a top university after I graduate. I
want to be a reporter in the future. Michiko, Japan |
I am a 16 year-old girl in Tibet(西藏). The Qinghai Tibet Railway
has been built. I’ll be able to reach Beijing by train in about 48 hours. My
dream is to go to Beijing to watch the 2008 Olympic Games. Joma, China |
I am a 12 year-old girl. I like traveling very much. How I wish to
visit Egypt someday! Masha, Russia |
[判断题]在一经合闸即可送电到工作地点的断路器 (开关) 和隔离开关 (刀闸) 的操作把手上,均应悬挂“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!”的标示牌
[填空题]麻花钻的切削几何角度最不合理的切削刃是( )。
[单选题]When countries develop economically,people live longer lives.Development experts have long Delieved this is because having more money expands lifespan,but a massive new study suggests that education may play a bigger role.The finding has huge implications for public health spending.Back in 1975,economists plotted rising life expectancies against countries'wealth,and concluded that wealth itself increases longevity.It seemed self-evident:everything people need to be health from food to medical care--costs money But soon it emerged that the data didn't always fit that theory.Economic upturns didn’t always mean longer lives.In addition,for reasons that weren't clear,a given gain in gross domestic product(GDP)caused increasingly higher gains in life expectancy over time,as though it was becoming cheaper to add years of life.Me moreover,in the 1980s researchers found ga ins in literacy were associated with greater increases in life expectancy than gains in wealth were Finally,the more educated people in any country tend to live longer than their less educated compatriots.But such people also tend to be wealthier,so it has been difficult to untangle which factor is increasing lifespan Permanent change Wolfgang Lutz of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Vienna and colleagues have now done that by compiling average data on GDP per person,lifespans,and years of education from 174 countries,dating from 1970 to 2010 They found that,Just as in 1975,wealth correlated with longevity.But the correlation between longevity and years of schooling was closer,with a direct relationship that did not change over time way wealth does When the team put both these factors into the same mathematical model,they found that differences in education closely predicted differences in life expectancy,while changes in wealth barely mattered Lutz argues that because schooling happens many years before a person has attained their life expectancy,this correlation reflects cause:better education drives longer life.It also tends to lead to more wealh,which is why wealth and longevity are also correlated.But what is important,says Lutz,is that wealth does not seem to be driving longevity,as experts thought-in fact,education is driving both of them Lifestyle choices Some medical professionals may not like these findings,"says Lutz,as they suggest schools may be a better health investment than high-tech hospitals.But RudigerKrech at the World Health Organization welcomes the study."It confirms education as a major social determinant of health,"he says-aconcept WHO actively promotes.But if medical health experts welcome the findings,economists are less comfortable Sangheon Lee,at the UN International Labour Organisation in Geneva,Switzerland agrees education affects lifespan but doubts that simple models like Lutz's can fully resolve cause and effect."It's a very difficult econometric problem,"he says,with health,wealth and education all affecting each other But Lutz says that extreme examples are telling.Cuba is dead poor but has a higher life expectancy than the US because it is well educated.Meanwhile in oil-rich but poorly-educated Equatorial Guinea,people rarely reach 60
Which of the following can back up the theory that wealth itself increases longevity?
A.A robust economic turnaround didn't translate into greater longevity
B.Because everything people need to stay physically healthy costs money
C.Because education is more associated with longevity than wealth
D.Because the more educated are likely to live longer than the less educated
A. 单位账户结算服务
B. 免费邮寄账单
C. 短信通知服务
D. 客户服务热线
[单选题](单选) 当不慎把大量浓硫酸滴在皮肤上时,正确的处理方法是
A. 长江流域
B. 黄河以南地区
C. 23个省、市、自治区
D. 南方几省
E. 北方一些省
[填空题]Many countries exist in this world. How to deal with the problems among them So comes with the international communities. A major global (36) group on Sunday called for member countries of the World Trade Organization to work for an end to all subsidies to fishing (37) and help depleted fishing stocks recover.
At a news conference on the (38) of a key WTO meeting, the World Wide Fund for Nature also argued that the expected new round of trade liberalization negotiations must take environmental needs into (39) .
"In Seattle, ministers must come out with more than just (40) and promises on fishing subsidies," said David Schorr, WWF-US (that is, the World Wide fund) (41) for sustainable (42) . Talk on new binding rules barring fishing (43) "must start now", he added.
Some of these accuse the WTO of bowing to multinational companies who have no concern for the planet’s ecology in the
[判断题]驱动装置包括一个直流无刷电机和一个齿轮减速装置,电机不受门控器的控制。( )
A. 20
B. 27
C. 57
D. 50
[多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001—2015)第16.5.1.2条规定:低压电气工作时,所有未接地或( )等可靠隔绝电源措施的低压线路和设备都应视为带电。未经验明确无电压时,禁止触碰导体的裸露部分。
[单选题] 食指桡侧缘,自食指尖至虎口成一直线为
A. 肝经
B. 大肠
C. 小肠
D. 胃
E. 脾经
[单选题]地区电网调控机构的值班调度员应在事故发生后立即用电话方式向省调值班调度员汇报简要信息,详细情况在次日7:00前以书面形式向省调汇报。汇报的主要内容包括但不限于:事件发生的地点、时间、事件经过、继电保护及安全自动装置、稳控装置动作情况、有关数据及故障录波图、( )和有关数据等相关的事故分析信息资料、设备损坏情况、停限电情况、对重要用户的影响、事故初步原因、处理情况等,必要时附图说明。
A. A.事故主要责任人
[单选题]检修人员操作时,操作票应由( )审核签名,然后才能使用。
A. 运维负责人,
B. 工作负责人,
C. 班站长,
D. 技术员
[判断题] 没有规定移动式压力容器使用单位应建立相应的应急救援组织机构。
A. 待配母猪群
B. 生长肥育群
C. 哺乳母猪群
D. 妊娠母猪群
E. 后备母猪群
[单项选择]项目决策期对项目的总目标进行了分析论证,在( )需要对项目目标进一步分析和论证。
A. 项目实施期
B. 项目策划期
C. 项目决策期
D. 项目运营期
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