Which city does the woman like best( ). An ideal college should be a community,
a place of close, natural, intimate association, not only of the young men who
are its pupils and novices in various lines of study, but also of young men with
older men, with veterans and professionals in the great undertaking of learning,
of teachers with pupils, outside the classroom as well as inside it. No one is
successfully educated within the walls of any particular classroom or laboratory
or museum; and no amount of association, however close and familiar and
delightful, between mere beginners can ever produce the sort of enlightenment
which the young lad gets when he first begins to catch the infection of
learning. The trouble with most of our colleges nowadays is that the faculty of
the college live one life and the undergraduates quite a different one. A. classrooms, laboratories and museums B. all sources available C. intimate association between beginners D. experienced scholars [单选题]2.76.第76题
变电站与主站EMS系统采用104规约通信时,配置中的远端IP指的是()。 A.监控机IP B.远动插件IP C.主站前置IP D.网关IP [填空题] Planning and People
In all kinds of organizations--companies, schools, hospitals, etc. --decisions appear correct in theory but do not work in practice. There are many reasons for this. To illustrate the problems involved we will consider four cases where different decisions have to be taken. Case No. 1 The manager of a shipping company was interested in using large metal containers for the company’s cargo instead of conventional methods of loading and unloading. He discovered that the use of containers was less expensive and quicker than conventional methods. More cargo could be sent at one time and delays on the way were shorter. The only major disadvantage (apart from the initial cost of the containers) was that not all ships could take them. However, the manager believed that his company could find enough ships for their containers. His plan to use containers was adopted by the board of directors. Unfortu [单项选择]The government ______ to approve the use of wide-spead surveillance when the Justice Department took objections.
A. is going B. had been C. was about D. is coming [单项选择]女性,15岁,经常头痛,加重1周,无任何阳性体征。蛛网膜囊肿最常见好发于下面哪个部位()
A. 颞窝 B. 小脑旁间隙 C. 环池或鞍上池 D. 四叠体池 E. 桥小脑角 F. 大脑纵裂处 [判断题]室内火灾发生后,最初只局限于着火点处的可燃物燃烧。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]我国国家政权的组织形式是()
A. 民主集中制 B. 基层群众自治制度 C. 人民民主专政 D. 人民代表大会制度 [单选题]( )是指用直观形象和表象解决问题的思维方法,是用事物的表象来进行分析、综合、抽象、概括的过程。
A.突破思维 B.发散思维 C.逆向思维 D.形象思维 [填空题]党委书记、董事长李毛在集团党委二届二次全会上指出,要引导党员干部把“不忘初心、牢记使命”作为(),不断增强担责的自觉、担难的勇气、担险的魄力。
[多项选择]腹部外伤后,下列哪些表现应考虑有实质性脏器破裂( )
A. X线检查膈下有游离气体 B. 出现口渴、烦躁,脉搏120次/分 C. 血压80/60mmHg,面色苍白 D. 腹膜刺激征阳性 E. 腹腔穿刺抽出混浊液体 [判断题]承发包工程中,工作票可实行“双签发”形式。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于航行时值班驾驶员的职责,下列说法正确的是___________。①有效使用船上的助航仪器;②以恰当的时 间间隔对所驶的航向、船位和航速进行核对;③确保本船沿着计划航线行驶:④注意在适当的时候便用测深仪
A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.①②③④ [单选题]单轴双轮的轴型编号( )。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题] 四叶螺旋桨具有良好的几何及气动对称及平衡性
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]资本主义列强对中国的侵略,首先和主要的是进行()
[单选题]铁总运【2015】362号《高速铁路接触网运行维修规则》弹性吊索长度应符合设计要求,悬挂点两端长度() ,允许偏差为±20mm。
A.可以不同 B.相等 C.不等 D.不确定 [单选题]( )中的电气设备,系指全部带有电压、一部分带有电压或一经操作即带有电压的电气设备。
A.A.运用 B.B.运行 C.C.检修 D.D.备用 [单选题]肝脏触诊部位在()。
A.剑状软骨部前下方 B.左侧肋弓后缘 C.右侧肋弓后缘 D.脐孔下方 [单选题]治疗绒毛膜癌的主要方法是:( )
A.口服化疗 B.肌注化疗 C.静脉化疗 D.局部注射化疗 E.手术切除病灶 [单选题]24号元素Cr的基态原子价电子构型正确的是:
A.3d64s0 B.3d54s1 C.3d44s2 D.3d34s24p1 [判断题]党的最高领导机关,是党的全国代表大会和它所产生的中央委员会。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]可以促使承包方关心和降低成本,缩短工期,而且成本可以随设计的进展而加以调整,实际工程中应用较多的合同计价方式是()。
A.成本加固定百分比酬金 B.成本加固定金额酬金 C.成本加奖罚 D.成本加固定最大酬金 [单选题]下列选项中,不属于营改增中生活服务的是( )。
A.文化创意服务 B.文化体育服务 C.教育医疗服务 D.旅游娱乐服务 [单选题]会员制期货交易所会员大会有( )会员参加方为有效。
A.1/3以上 B.2/3以上 C.7/4以上 D.3/4以上 [判断题]采用绝缘手套作业法或绝缘操作杆作业法时,应根据作业方法选用人体绝缘防护用具,使用绝缘安全带、绝缘安全帽。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交