Certainly, the most popular method of
traveling used by Americans is the privately-owned automobile. The vast majority
of Americans have a car, and many families have two. (31)
during your visit to the United States, you may decide to rent a car
to travel outside the city or to travel to other parts of the country. Car rental companies are (32) in the telephone book and are located in most cities and towns. (33) , there are usually rental cars at airports and train and bus stations. As is tree everywhere in the world, you can rent a car (34) the day, week, or month. Some companies (35) have special weekend rates that you may find especially interesting if you have only a limited (36) of time to travel around the area you are visiting. Since each company has its own rules and rates, it is a good idea to< A. return B. returned C. must return D. will return [单选题]在高压设备上工作,应至少由()进行,并完成保证安全的组织措施和技术措施。
A.一人 B.两人 C.三人 D.四人 [多选题](第九条)消防员参加抢险救援战斗时,应根据灾害事故性质和危险特性,按照防护等级佩戴相应特种防护装备。参与地震.地质.气象等自然灾害救援时,还应配备( )等装备。( )
A.护肘护膝 B.军刀 C.防尘口罩 D.毛巾 E.雨衣 F.个人急救包 G.个人笔记本电脑 [单选题]关于左旋多巴治疗帕金森病的疗效,下列哪项是错误的?
A.对抗精神病药引起的锥体外系反应有效 B.对轻症病人疗效好 C.对较处轻病人疗效好 D.对重症及处老病人疗效差 E.对肌肉震颤症状疗效差 [判断题]航空器一侧机翼起火灭火战斗时,1至2辆主力消防力量到场后,根据现场风向迅速选择有利进攻路线和战斗位置,分别对主要着火点和主要蔓延方向实施火灾扑救和控制工作,辅助力量到场后,占据附近水源,采取串联供水方式立即对灭火、控火主力消防车进行供水任务,保障主力车灭火、控火所需用水量,其它主力消防力量和灭火辅助力量待命,做好其它突发性的应急处置工作;迅速组织人员搜救工作,晚上出动照明车进行火场照明。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在营业线路上施工时,应注意组立过程种对带电线路的安全距离,组立后应检查是否侵入铁路建筑限界;基坑回填时应分层夯实。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]生产、安全和效益上去了,职业道德自然就搞好了。( )〔112000000〕
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]孙先生,40岁,因寒战高热,咳嗽,胸痛,来院急诊,胸透右上肺有云絮状阴影,查痰肺炎球菌(+),该病人血象如何______
A. 嗜酸粒细胞增加 B. 淋巴细胞增加 C. 中性粒细胞增加 D. 大单核细胞增加 E. 嗜碱性细胞增加 [单项选择]金属导电性的好坏是以()来衡量的。
A. 尺寸 B. 密度 C. 形状 D. 电阻率 我来回答: 提交