What do the extraordinarily successful
companies have in common To find out, we looked for correlations. We know that correlations are not always reliable; nevertheless, in the 27 survivors, our group saw four Shared personality traits that could explain their longevity (长寿). Conservatism in financing. The companies did not risk their capital gratuitously (无缘无故). They understood the meaning of money in an old-fashioned way; they knew the usefulness spare cash in the kitty. Money in hand allowed them to snap up (抓住) options when their’ competitors could not. They did not have to convince third-party financiers of the attractiveness of opportunities they wanted to pursue. Money in kitty allowed them to govern their growth and evolution. Sensitivity to the world around them. Whether they had built their A. Keeping central control B. Willing to change C. Saving money in an old-fashioned way D. Choosing managers from within the company [多选题]降低电力网中功率损耗和电能损耗的措施有()
A.选用铜耗、铁耗更低的变压器 B.改变电力网的功率分布,提高负荷的功率因数 C.提高电网的运行电压水平 D.实现整个系统有功、无功的经济分配 [填空题]登高作业时应先检查( )并佩带( ),必须有两人以上在场,其中一人为监护人。在高处作业要防止工具,材料跌落伤人。
A. 0.01-0.05 B. 0.03-0.05 C. 0.05-0.1 D. 0.1-0.3 [填空题]道德是靠( ())、传统习俗和人们的内心信念来发挥作用的。
A. 维生素A缺乏症 B. 硬皮病 C. 结核病 D. 黏液性水肿 E. 尿毒症 [多选题]列车发生火灾、爆炸时, 下列处理方法正确的是( )。
A.停车地点应尽量避开特大桥梁、长大隧道等,选择便于旅客疏散的 地点 B.旅客列车着火时, 首先疏散着火车辆内的全部旅客 C.电气化区段,现场需停电时,应立即通知供电部门停电、采取接地 措施 D.对甩下的车辆,在车站由车站人员负责采取防溜措施 [单项选择]当培训的内容很简单,不需要正式的课堂学习时,常见的培训方式是( )
A. 岗前培训 B. 在岗培训 C. 离岗培训 D. 员工业余自学 [名词解释]一价定律
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]灭火器上的压力表用红,黄,绿三色表示灭火器的压力情况,当指针在绿色区域表示( )。
A.正常 B.偏高 C.偏低 [判断题]区域因素是决定同一均质地域内地块差异性的重要因素,是同一区域内地价差异的主要原因。()
A. 标的物市场价格 B. 执行价 C. 无风险利率 D. 货币总量 [单项选择]试管凝集试验常用于()
A. 抗原定性 B. 抗体定性 C. 抗原定量 D. 抗体半定量 E. 抗体定量 我来回答: 提交