Certainly no creature in the sea is
odder than the common sea cucumber(海参). All living creatures, especially human
beings, have their peculiarities, but everything about the little sea cucumber
seems unusual. What else can be said about an odd animal that, among other
eccentricities, eats mud, feeds almost continuously day and night but can
live without eating for long periods, and can be poisonous hut is considered
supremely edible by gourmets(美食家) For some fifty million years, despite all its eccentricities, the sea cucumber has subsisted on its diet of mud. It is adaptable enough to live attached to rocks by its tube feet, under rocks in shallow water, or on the surface of mud fiats. Common in cool water on both Atlantic and Pacific shores, it has the ability to suck up .mud or sand and digest whatever nutrients are presen A. What the sea cucumber does when threatened. B. Where the sea cucumber lives. C. How the sea cucumber hides from predators. D. What the sea cucumber eats. [单项选择]注册商标需要在同一类的其他商品上使用的,()注册申请。
A. 应当另行 B. 无需另行提出 C. 视具体情况提出 D. 可以合并提出 [填空题]正线、到发线上的道岔、绝缘接头、桥梁前后各75m地段及驼峰线路,应增加____。
[单项选择]I broke a dish while washing up this morning. Of course, I did not ______.
A. love to B. need to C. mean to D. want to [判断题]在正常工作条件下,在操作人员通常可接触到的配电终端外壳和操作点上,按规定施加静电放电电压,正负极性放电各 10 次,每次放电间隔至少为 1s。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]视图不能单独存在,它必须依赖于______。
A. 视图 B. 数据库 C. 数据表 D. 查询 [单选题]两站间按半自动闭塞方式发第一趟车后,区间占用表示灯灭灯,区间空闲表示灯点亮,两站分别拉出闭塞切换按钮(计轴设备在正常使用过程中,闭塞切换按钮应在加铅封状态),进入站间闭塞方式,此时车站控制台上人工闭塞“U”灯灭,自动站间闭塞“( )”灯亮,区间按自动站间闭塞方式行车。
A.红 B.黄 C.绿 [填空题]在输电线特别是在高压线附近工作的起动机各部分与输电线的最小距离,当输电线路电压在1KV以上时应大于( )。
[单项选择]诊断脓毒症最可靠的依据是( )
A. 血培养阳性 B. 皮下出现淤点 C. 肝、脾肿大及黄疸 D. 寒战、高热,呈稽留热 E. 出现休克 [单项选择]某男,28岁,主诉终末尿痛,尿频,腰骶及会阴部坠胀2月余,便后或晨起后发现尿道口有白色分泌物,腰酸,乏力。前列腺液检查WBC15~20/HP,磷脂小体减少。舌红苔黄脉细数。诊断为精浊,属:()
A. 瘀血阻络 B. 阴虚火旺 C. 湿热蕴结 D. 肾阳虚损 E. 热毒蕴结 [判断题]( )无缝道岔应在设计锁定轨温范围内锁定,且与相邻单元轨节间的锁定轨温差不应大于5 ℃。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交