女性,36岁,幼年患支气管肺炎,以后常有咳嗽、咳脓性痰,咳痰量每日不等,4年前开始咯血,1周前因发热、咳痰增加,每日150ml左右入院治疗。 |
A modern supermarket can be divided
into three main sections: the entrance-exit area (including checkstands), the
space along the four walls, and the central area that consists of long rows of
two-sided shelves with aisles between them. The entrance of a supermarket always leads customers directly to the shopping carts and shopping baskets. Sometimes it is impossible to leave through the entrance because the automatic doors open only one way or because there is a turnstile inside the market that moves in one direction only. The walls near the entrance and exit are reserved for large and heavy items, so that customers can pick up these kinds of items on their way out. Ordinarily the back wall of a supermarket is reserved for meats. The meats are always arranged according to kind. Poultry, such as chicken and turkey, is in one part of the A. near the entrance B. in the center section C. in a row or aisle D. in a wall section [单项选择]需要建设单位长期保存、监理单位短期保存的监理文件是( )。
A. 监理月报总结 B. 不合格项目通知 C. 月付款报审与支付 D. 工程延期报告及审批 [单选题]在电能计量装置屏间的通道上搬运或安放试验设备时,不能阻塞通道,要与运行设备保持一定距离,防止事故处理时通道不畅,防止误碰(),造成电压互感器二次回路短路或接地、电流互感器二次回路开路、相关运行设备继电保护误动作等。清扫计量二次回路时,要防止振动、防止误碰,要使用绝缘工具。
A.运行设备 B.带电设备 C.停电设备 D.试验设备 [单项选择]下列腹水检查,哪项不符合结核性腹膜炎
A. WBC5×108/L,以中性粒细胞为主 B. 里氏试验阳性 C. 比重>1.018 D. 草绿色 [单选题] 党领导人民治理国家的基本方略是( )。
A.依权治国 B.依法治国 C.以法治国 D.以德治国 [判断题]客舱乘务员必须在起飞后20分钟或平飞至落地前30分钟完成所有旅客服务程序。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG),哪项是不正确的
A. 由绒毛膜滋养细胞分泌 B. 为一种糖蛋白激素 C. 妊娠早期分泌量增加很快,妊娠中晚期周达高峰 D. 是诊断早孕最敏感的方法之一 E. hCG是滋养细胞性肿瘤的标记物 [多选题]以下属于OSI七层模型的是。
A.应用层 B.物理层 C.传输层 D.表示层 [单选题]强迫油循环风冷(OFAF)油浸式变压器在额定电压下的顶层最高油温( )℃。
A.75 B.80 C.85 D.90 [判断题]法律委员会根据各代表团和有关专门委员会的意见,统一审议法律案。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]眉毛的长短、粗细、色泽与人的()及遗传因素有关。
A. 种族、性别、眼型 B. 种族、性别、年龄 C. 身高、性别、年龄 D. 种族、性别、肤色 [多选题]因通过()()()()等方式买入持有的银行承兑汇票是在办理( )时系统联动记账的,故不用于单独做账务处理。
A.贴现 B.转贴现 C.再贴现 D.买入返售 [判断题]人体距10kV带电设备的安全距离应该大于等于0.7m。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Why is Gates constantly worried about the future of Microsoft
[多项选择]反映钢筋塑性性能的基本指标是( )。
A. 伸长率 B. 冷弯性能 C. 比例极限 D. 屈服强度 E. 极限强度 [多选题]开关站运行人员巡视检查时,对电力电缆应做( )检查。
A.终端头三叉口处无裂逢 B.电缆固定抱箍坚固,电缆头无受力情况 C.电缆接地牢固,接地线无断股 D.温度在正常范围内 [单项选择]
All animals must rest, but do they really sleep as we know it The answer to this question seems obvious. If an animal regularly stops its activities and stays quiet and unmoving—if it looks as though it is sleeping—then why not simply assume that it is in fact sleeping But how can observers be sure that an animal is sleeping 我来回答: 提交