WHAT IS ON EXHIBITIONS Oil Paintings—Oil painter Zhang Yongxu’s one-man show will run January 3~19 at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Zhang, 33, graduated from the Oil Painting Department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1989. In the upcoming exhibition, viewers will see a personal experience of human life, and a combination of Eastern and Western art. Time: January 3~19. Address: Gallery of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, 5 Jiaowei Hutong, Wang fujing, Dongcheng District. Art from Nanjing—A group of young artists from Nanjing present a grand exhibition in the China National Art Museum from Jan. 5~11. The artists are from the Nanjing Calligraphy and Painting Institute. Inspired by the renowned artists i A. English B. Germany C. French D. Italy [单项选择]早期血栓闭塞性脉管炎的临床表现是
A. 患肢发冷 B. 患肢剧痛 C. 间歇性跛行 D. 静息痛 E. 足背动脉搏动消失 [单选题]按照《建设工程安全生产管理条例》规定,工程监理单位在实施监理过程中,发现存在安全事故隐患的,应当要求施工单位整改;情况严重的,应当要求施工单位暂时停止施工,并及时报告:
A.施工单位 B.监理单位 C.有关主管部门 D.建设单位 [不定项选择题]检修道岔外锁闭主要工器具有()。
A.扳手 B.钢卷尺 C.克丝钳 D.照明工具 E.以上都不是 [单项选择]与危重症医学关系极为密切的学科是()
A. 老年病学 B. 医学心理学 C. 急诊医学 D. 呼吸病学 E. 心血管病学 [单项选择]企业的财务活动包括筹资、投资、耗资、收入和分配等系列过程,也就是企业()的过程。
A. 发展壮大 B. 资金运动 C. 生产协作 D. 和谐发展 [单项选择]双硫腙光度法测锌含量,选用波长为()。
A. 530nm B. 410nm C. 610nm D. 425nm [单选题]稍息的动作要领错误的是 ( ) 。
A.上体保持立正姿势 B.身体重心大部分落于左脚 C.稍息过久,可以自行换脚 [填空题]在一般抹灰作业中存在的安全风险有物体打击、脚手架塌坍、高处坠落、触电、()。
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