Large part as a consequence of the
feminist movement, historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent
years on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods.
Although much has been accomplished for the modern period, premodern cultures
have proved more difficult: sources are restricted in number, fragmentary,
difficult to interpret, and often contradictory. Thus it is not particularly
surprising that some earlier scholarship concerning such cultures has so far
gone unchallenged. An example is Johann Bachofen’s 1861 treatise on Amazons,
women-ruled societies of questionable existence contemporary with ancient
Greece. Starting from the premise that mythology and legend preserve at least a nucleus of historical fact, Bachofen argued that women were dominant in many a A. feminists have shown little interest in ancient societies B. Bachofen’s knowledge of Amazonian culture is unparalleled C. reliable information about the ancient world is difficult to acquire D. ancient societies show the best evidence of women in positions of power [判断题]营销人员负责营销收费资金账户的银行对账。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]触电者神志不清,判断意识无,有心跳,但呼吸停止或极微弱时,应立即用仰头抬颏法,使气道开放,并进行口对口人工呼吸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 硫化氢的阈限值为( )mg/m3。
A.15 B.18 C.20 D.30 [判断题]轻度过卷造成保护装置动作,出现紧急制动后,不用向调度室汇报,由电工、信号工、提升机操作工配合处理即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]素质教育的时代特征是()。
A. 面向全体学生 B. 促进学生全面发展 C. 培养学生的创新精神 D. 促进学生个性发展 [简答题]推恩令
[多选题]在开展作战行动前,要明确紧急撤离的()、撤离(),并在安全区域选择集合地点。( )
A.信号 B.路线 C.地点 D.时间 我来回答: 提交