Singletons, referring to those who live
alone, are being comforted by well-meaning friends and family and told that not
having a partner is not the end of the world. So, it would seem that they can
say, yes, it is not. But no, in fact, it is the end. A gloomy study has just been released that says that the international trend towards living alone is putting an unprecedented strain on our ecosystem. For a number of reasons--relationship breakdown, career choice, longer life spans, smaller families—the number of individual households is growing. And this is putting intolerable pressure on natural resources, and accelerating the extinction of endangered plant and animal species. And there is worse news. Running a refrigerator, television, cooker, plumbing system just for selfish little you is a disastrous waste of resources A. they should end their singledom as soon as possible B. they should live together with other singletons C. singledom is an acceptable life-style D. singledom can shorten one’s life-span [填空题]植物的茎生长点可以分化为叶芽,也可以分化为花芽,植物的生长点由叶芽状态开始向花芽状态转变的过程就是()。
A. 存储转发与交换方式 B. 存储转发与共享介质方式 C. 共享介质与分组传播方式 D. 共享介质与交换方式 [多项选择]基层法人机构领导班子换届,民主推荐按照职位设置全额定向推荐,一般应当经过下列()程序。
A. 召开推荐会,公布推荐职位、任职条件、推荐范围,提供干部名册,提出有关要求 B. 组织填写推荐表 C. 进行个别谈话推荐 D. 动议酝酿 [多选题]如果发生生物恐怖袭击时,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.事件区域往往出现不明粉末或液体 B.患者沿着风向分布,同时出现大量动物病例 C.事件区域发生异常流行病 D.短时间内大量群众伤亡 [单选题]将镜架放在制模机上,同时两镜圈上缘顶住水平挡板,固定鼻梁、桩头、用两夹固定镜圈下缘( )固定。
A.两点 B.三点 C.四点 D.五点 [单选题]使用不可退式抽油杆捞筒打捞抽油杆时,入鱼后上提,在上提负荷的作用下,内外锥面间产生径向夹紧力,使()内缩,咬住抽油杆,实现打捞。
A.内外锥面 B.筒体 C.两块卡瓦 D.弹簧 [简答题]【文字开始】
什么时候进行软件项目的估计一般我们认为,软件项目估计只在项目启动前工作,其实在整个软件开发和维护都有估计活动。当然,具体估计时间随着估计的方法和估计的对象不同会有区别。我们认为软件规模估计和软件规模度量不同,软件规模估计是在软件工作产品没有完成之前的估计,而度量活动应在软件工作产品完成之后。 【文字结束】 [判断题]应采用探伤仪对焊接接头、站线、道岔(包括尖轨和心轨变截面部分)、调节器(含尖轨变截面部分)及其前后50m钢轨进行周期性探伤。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]救援人员高空救助时,可根据作业环境,铺设救生气垫.设置安全网,提升安全防范效果。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交