It may be the last book you’ll ever
buy. And certainly, from a {{U}} (21) {{/U}}standpoint, it will be the
only book you’ll ever need. No, it’s not the Bible or some New Age tome
{{U}} (22) {{/U}} enlightenment--although it would let you carry
{{U}} (23) {{/U}} both texts simultaneously. It’s an electronic book--a
{{U}} (24) {{/U}} volume that could contain a library of information or,
if your tastes run {{U}} (25) {{/U}} what’s current, every title on
today’s bestseller {{U}} (26) {{/U}} And when you’re {{U}} (27)
{{/U}} with those, you could refill it with new {{U}} (28)
{{/U}} Convenience is its main {{U}} (29) {{/U}} and that means more than simple portability. Because the information is in electronic {{U}} (30) {{/U}} , it can be easily manipulated. You could, for instance, make the type larger for easier reading. Or you coul A. at B. upon C. with D. on [判断题]公安民警现场制止违法犯罪行为采取使用武器制止之前必须首先向违法犯罪行为人发出警告。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]多选题装卸高压熔断器,应()。
A.系安全带 B.戴护目眼镜 C.戴线手套 D.戴绝缘手套" [多选题]在寒冷地区冬季作业时,应对井控装置各组件管线等迸行( )保护。
A.防冻; B.防腐蚀; C.防冲蚀; D.防堵。 [多项选择]银行职业道德的基本规范包括()。
A. 爱岗敬业,忠于职守 B. 遵守法规,依法办事 C. 廉洁奉公,不谋私利 D. 恪尽职守,专业胜任 [多选题]下列各项中,可以解决黄油排放不好的方法有()。
A.提高塔釜液面,增大停留时间,适当补水,多次排放 B.加大补碱量 C.补入新鲜水 D.严重时可将下段循环泵停止运行,静止分层 [单项选择]张先生,55岁。有2型糖尿病病史10年,经饮食控制、运动、口服药降糖治疗,效果不理想。现开始加用胰岛素治疗。
进行健康教育时,不正确的指导是 A. 掌握并坚持饮食计划 B. 多吃新鲜水果 C. 学会胰岛素注射技术 D. 学会尿糖监测 E. 适当运动以减轻症状 [简答题]假定某居民个人纳税人2019年 扣 除 “三险一金”后共取得含税工资收入120 0 0 0元,除住房贷款专项附加扣除外,该纳稅人不享受其余专项附加扣除和税法规定的其他扣除。计算其当年应纳个人所得税税额。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]近代太平天国运动为了解决农民的土地问题,颁布了《天朝田亩制度》,这一制度()
A. 代表了中国社会发展的方向 B. 突出反映了农民对社会经济改革和农业近代化的强烈要求 C. 有利于中国资本主义的发展 D. 突出反映了农民阶级废除封建土地所有制的强烈愿望 [填空题]A teacher is someone who communicates information or skill so that someone else may learn. Parents are the (41) teachers. Just by living with their child and (42) their everyday activities with him, they teach him their language, their values and their manners. Information and skills difficult or teach (43) family living are taught in a school by a person (44) special occupation is teaching.
Before 1900 it (45) widely assumed that a man was qualified to teach if he could read and write-and (46) qualified if he knew arithmetic. With modest (47) like these, it is no (48) that teachers had low salaries and little prestige. Literature and history frequently portray teacher (49) fools and ignoramuses. By the late 19th century, there were (50) that the starts of teachers was slowly (51) Great educators such as Mann and Henry Barnard, and innovative thinkers such as Dewey and Parker began to command a (5 [单选题]《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》规定,特种设备使用单位应当在特种设备投入使用前或者投入使用后()内,向负责特种设备安全监督管理的部门办理使用登记,取得使用登记证书。
A.三十日 B.五十日 C.十日 [单选题]面部“危险三角区”指的是( )
A.由双侧眼外眦到上唇中点的连线 B.由双侧眼外眦与颏部正中的连线 C.由鼻根至两侧口角区域 D.由双侧眼内眦现两侧口角区域 [判断题]罗尔斯认为,适用于个人的原则确立后,才能更清晰地认识适用于社会基本结构的原则。
[多选题]下列队容风纪检查制度正确的是( )。
A.中队(站)每周至少一次 B.中队(站)每半月至少一次 C.大队(每月)至少一次 D.支队及以上每季度至少一次 [单选题]艺术:生活
A.喷泉:公园 B.利润:企业 C.梦境:大脑 D.战乱:掠夺 [填空题]
A. cinema 42. You can make a call with it. B. hospital 43. You see a doctor there. C. party 44. You see a film there. D. lelephone 45. You gather with friends there. E. birthday eating. drinking and playing. F. family G. friend [单项选择]不需要变更管理流程进行单独审批的变更是()
A. 紧急变更 B. 正常变更 C. 标准表更 D. 轻微变更 [判断题]“应付股利”账户,期末贷方余额表示多支付给投资者的股利。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]火场组织指挥机构分为班、消防站、大队、支队、总队五个层次( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交