Children in the UK are not reading
enough at home, favouring television and computer games instead, according to
new research. The survey conducted earlier this month by Nesfl6 Box Tops for Books, which asked parents about their children’s reading habits, found that half of UK children spend less than two hours reading per week. A further one in 10 had not read a book in the past month, and of those who do read regularly, one in four avoid non-fiction titles. More than half of the parents surveyed believed their children should read more non-fiction books. "It is essential that young children read at least one book a week and, in particular, educational books," said family counsellor Jenni Trent Hughes. But others believe such a stern approach to reading may not help children. "We can turn A. Encyclopedia. B. Novel. C. Poetry. D. Short story. [判断题]车票只能存放在车站票务室、客服中心(含临时售票亭)、闸机、车票回收箱。
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