Nonverbal (非语言的) communication has to do with gestures, movements and closeness of two people when they are talking. The scientists say that those gestures, movements and so on have meaning which words do not carry. For example, the body distance between two speakers can be important. North Americans often complain that South Americans are unfriendly because they tend to stand close to the North American when speaking, while the South American often considers the North American to be "cold" or "distant" because he keeps a greater distance between himself and the person he is speaking to . The "eye contact" provides another example of what we are calling nonverbal communication. Scientists have observed that there is more eye contact between people who like each other than there is between people who don’t like each other. The length of time that the person whom you are speaking to looks at your eyes indicates the amount of interest he has in th
A. is a method often used by people who cannot speak
B. can tell something that words cannot
C. can be used to talk with people who cannot bear
D. is less used than words
女,45岁,支气管哮喘急性发作3天,体检:呼吸30次/分,两肺叩诊过清音、闻及广泛哮鸣音,心率110次/分,律齐 |
Could you imagine having a cut heal
almost overnight(一夜之情) Scientists at the University of California in San Francisco have isolated(分离) a sub- stance in rabbits that can heal wounds in half the time! The substance, called angiogenesis(血管生成因子) factor, stimulates the growth of blood vessels after injury. Blood vessels are essential to recovery because they carry oxygen and nutrients to cells that both kill germs and repair tissues. All mammals(哺乳动物), from rats to whales to human beings, carry this substance in their bodies. Further research may permit scientists to create artificial angiogenesis factor in the laboratory. Angiogenesis factor, scientists say, would be of value to patients undergoing organ transplants and skin grafts b [单项选择]大叶海藻药材的性状特征是()
A. 叶条形或细棒状,气囊纺锤形或球形,无刺状突起。固着器须根状 B. 叶披针形,狭披针形或丝状,全缘或有锯齿,革质,有片状突起 C. 叶丝状,丛生,革质。固着器须根状 D. 叶圆形,全缘,气囊椭圆形,固着器盘状 E. 叶倒卵形或披针形,气囊球形或卵球形,侧枝上有细小刺状突起,固着器盘状 [判断题]在选用拉线棒时,其直径不应小于14mm,拉线棒一般采用镀锌防腐。()
A. 3 B. 5.5 C. 6 [单选题]常态开展安全防护、安全行进、紧急避险、自救互救、心理适应等训练,提高指战员防事故的能力。新入职指战员正式上岗前( )通过作战训练安全考核。消防救援站(B)组建紧急救助小组,开展遇险指战员搜救专项训练(破拆、搜索、救助、转移和逃生自救等训练),提升紧急救助能力。(B)
A.应当、必须 B.必须、必须 C.必须、应当 D.应当、应当 [判断题]“华而不实”中的“而”与“永州之野产异蛇,黑质而白章”中的“而”用法相同。
A.阴病治阳 B.阳病治阴 C.热者寒之 D.寒者热之 E.阳中求阴 [判断题]国家实行分类电价和分时电价。分类标准和分时办法由当地政府确定。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]四个凡事指:凡事有人负责、凡事有章可循、()、凡事有据可依。
A.艾滋病检测网络 B.艾滋病监测网络 C.艾滋病防治网络 D.艾滋病咨询网络 E.艾滋病宣传教育网络 [单选题]铁路灾害监测系统中,雨量监测点显示绿色表示( )。
A.一级告警 B.三级告警 C.雨量正常 D.四级告警 [判断题]盘车移动轿厢,必须先切断电梯动力电。可以先松闸扳手松闸,绝不允许用松开职工抱力弹簧的方式松闸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据总长夹柄螺钉旋具可分为四种规格,即()mm。
A.80,100,150,200 B.100,150,200,250 C.150,200,250,300 D.200,250,300,350 [简答题]车票变更后,铁路乘意险如何处理?
A.结实牢固的构件 B.专为挂安全带用的钢丝绳 C.电缆 [单选题]1.17关于机动车号牌监督管理,不正确的是________。
A.省级公安机关交通管理部门对号牌成品、号牌半成品生产单位进行授权,并负责监督管理 B.号牌成品可以跨省生产 C.省级公安机关交通管理部门应使用信息系统对号牌生产进行监督管理 D.公安机关交通管理部门在核发号牌前应采集生产序列号和机动车登记编号,并上传至全国机动车信息资源库。 [填空题]只有()毗邻的环境的沉积相,才能在()上整合(连续)地依次出现。
A. 二阶段 B. 三阶段 C. 四阶段 D. 六阶段 [单选题] 减少冷凝蒸发器的温差,有利于减少 ()的蒸发( )
A.液氧 B.液氮 C.液空 D.乙炔 [单项选择]“知为针者信其左,不知为针者信其右”语出()。
A. 《素问》 B. 《灵枢》 C. 《难经》 D. 《甲乙经》 E. 《千金方》 [单选题]III级铁路相邻坡段的代数差大于( ),须设置竖曲线。
A.2‰ B.3‰ C.1‰ D.4‰ [单选题]4号线共有( )个有岔站。
A.9 B.10 C.11 D.12 我来回答: 提交