We still do not know all of the reasons why babies are born sick or with major disabilities. But we do know (31) . One baby, maybe more, (32) of one hundred is born with a serious genetic problem. Gene therapy (33) a very real possibility of correcting many of these disorders. It could transform — indeed, it already has — lives that are doomed (34) the pain and anguish of chronic illness. But scientific advances can also generate misunderstanding and fear. The Salk polio vaccine, so closely identified (35) the March of Dimes, was one of the most important medical gains of our time. It was safe. It worked. But (36) earlier vaccine used "live" viruses that caused fatalities, researchers (37) to overcome public apprehension.
Some critics are concerned that gene therapy will be abused create "super" humans. (38) are disturbed about possible disclosures of personally sensitiv
There’s a great{{U}} (19) {{/U}}of Friends
where Chandler and Ross go to a{{U}} (20) {{/U}}, basically get
overcharged and{{U}} (21) {{/U}}to "get their money’s{{U}} (22)
{{/U}}" by taking all the{{U}} (23) {{/U}}from the hotel that aren’t
nailed down. With only a few exceptions (the remote is off{{U}} (24)
{{/U}}, but the batteries in the remote are{{U}} (25) {{/U}}game),
they{{U}} (26) {{/U}}the hotel out of shampoo, {{U}} (27)
{{/U}}fruit, ashtrays, etc. At the end of{{U}} (28) {{/U}}, they get their comeuppance when Ross’s suitcase flies open and out{{U}} (29) {{/U}}hundreds of little toiletry bottles, a bushel of apples, dozens o A. A.story B.chapter C.episode D.scene [判断题]柜员尾箱实行现金限额控制。业务主管人员应根据柜员业务实际情况,合理确定一般尾箱日间现金限额。一般尾箱日终现金限额全省统一限制。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] Questions 14~17 are based on the following dialogue about a part-time job.How much will the man pay for the woman per month
A. $1,500. B. $1,350. C. $1,250. D. $2,250. [不定项选择]联合国安理会表决非程序性事项时,五个常任理事国均享有否决权。据此,并据其他有关规定及联合国实践,指出下列诸项中的正确者。
A. 五国中任何一国投反对票,决议便不得通过 B. 五国中任何国家投弃权票,决议可能通过 C. 五国中无投反对票者,决议就肯定通过 D. 五国中无投反对票者,决议可能通过 [判断题]货物堆码距离不符合规定、堆码不牢、调车人员通过的处所有易滑洒落物时,进入该处所作业时应停车上下。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]地线系统使用()年以上的基站,即使接地电阻值满足要求,宜应增设新的接地装置
A. 十五 B. 二十 C. 二十五 D. 三十 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输规程》规定,持通票的旅客在列车上符合条件办理变更径路时,如原票价高于或相等于变更后的径路票价时,持原票乘车有效,差额部分(包括列车等级不符的差额)应予退还。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]制动加闸过程中,制动闸表面温度急剧(),因而产生()变形,有的出现龟裂现象。
A. TRRU261支持单载波最大输出功率12w B. TRRU261支持单载波最大输出功率5w C. TRRU266支持单载波最大输出功率5w D. TRRU268支持单载波最大输出功率5w [单选题]列车在接近隧道前,在允许范围内尽量( )列车速度。
A.提高 B.保持 C. 降低 [多项选择]从发达国家和地区的经验来看,对服务过程规范性方面的管理,主要通过( )方面内容的管理来实现的。
A. 房地产经纪业执业规范 B. 房地产经纪收费 C. 各国房地产经纪行业管理费都严令禁止房地产经纪机构赚取合同约定的佣金以外的经济利益 D. 房地产经纪交易 E. 房地产经纪行业竞争 [多选题]配电箱箱门应标注( )。
A.项目名称 B.“有电危险”警告标志 C.电工姓名 D.联系电话 [判断题]犯罪分子一旦失去继续实施犯罪能力,人民警察就应立即停止使用武器。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]职业教育对政治的维护与促进作用表现在( )等方面。
A.职业教育维护现实的政治关系 B.职业教育促进一定政治目标的实现 C.职业教育影响社会政治生活质量 D.职业教育促进城乡社会和谐发展 [多选题]以下哪些属于公众传播媒体广告渠道:()
A.报纸 B.手机 C.广播 D.杂志 我来回答: 提交