女性,19岁,因化脓性扁桃体炎、高热来医院就诊。医嘱青霉素80万U,IM,BiD。 |
It is, everyone agrees, a huge task
that the child performs when he learns to speak, and the fact that he does so in
so short a period of time challenges explanation. Language learning begins with listening. Individual children vary greatly in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking, and late starters are often long listeners. Most children will "obey" spoken instructions some time before they can speak though the word obey is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the child. Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gesture and by making questioning noises. Any attempt to trace the development from the noises babies make Io their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed [hat they enjoy making noises, an A. no explanation has been made up to now B. no explanation is necessary for such an obvious phenomenon C. it’s no easy job to provide an adequate explanation D. it’s high time that an explanation was provided [单选题]为避免汽车转向沉重,主销后倾角一般不超过( )。
A.2° B.4° C.5° D.3° [简答题]民主国家与专制国家管理的区别是什么?
A. 奥美拉唑 B. 富马酸酮替芬 C. 西咪替丁 D. 雷尼替丁 E. 法莫替丁 [单选题]梁某欲将儿子转到离家较近的学校上小学,学校要求其提供无违法犯罪记录证明。梁某找到户籍地派出所,民警告之,公安机关已不再出具无违法犯罪记录证明等18类证明。考虑到梁某的难处,民警仍出具了证明,并附言一句:“请问学校,难道父母有犯罪记录,就可以剥夺小孩读书的权利吗?”对此,下列哪一说法是正确的?( )(2017年)
A.公安机关不再出具无违法犯罪记录证明,将减损公民合法权益 B.民警的附言客观上起到了普法作用,符合“谁执法谁普法”的要求 C.派出所对学校的要求提出质疑,不符合文明执法的要求 D.梁某要求派出所出具已明令不再出具的证明,其法治意识不强 [单项选择]男性,27岁,发热、畏寒5日,每日最高体温达39.8℃,最低体温为39.1℃。此热型属于 ( )
A. 稽留热 B. 弛张热 C. 波状热 D. 间歇热 E. 回归热 [多项选择]某地方政府欲进行高新产业集中区建设,拟征收40hm2集体建设用地,则市、县人民政府土地行政主管部门呈报建设项目用地申请材料时,需要拟订( )方案。
A. 供地 B. 补充耕地 C. 土地征收 D. 农用地转用 E. 征地补偿安置 [填空题]机场不停航施工申请经审查批准后,应发布(),通告发布()后方可开始施工。
[单选题]施工单位应当设立安全生产( )机构,配备专职安全生产管理人员。
A.检查 B.监督 C.监理 D.管理 [单项选择]憎液溶胶的散射光()亲液溶胶的散射光()。
A. 强,弱 B. 强,强 C. 弱,强 D. 弱,弱 [判断题]沟(槽)开挖时,在堆置物堆起的斜坡上可以放置工具材料等器物。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交