"We thought there was a future in
nuclear power when no one else believed in it," says Anne Lauvergeon, chief
executive of Areva. The French, government-owned company is building the first
nuclear reactors to be constructed in Western Europe for nearly 20 years. With"
no oil, no gas, no coal and no choice", France decided to go nuclear in 1974,
and today about 80% of its electricity is generated by 59 nuclear plants across
the country. But even France became pessimistic about nuclear power: it stopped
building new reactors at the end of the 1980s and in 2002 a government report
called the industry a" monster without a future". How things have changed. Nuclear power is back in favor, thanks to fears about oil supplies, energy security and global warming. France is ready to develop its expertise into a significant export. A. It is a French company, used to be owned by. private sector. B. It has stepped into the third-generation .reactor design period. C. Its third generation reactor has been constructed in France, Finland and China. D. Its nuclear capacity will occupy one-third of the total in less than a decade. [单项选择]《金融机构大额和可疑交易报告管理办法》所称的“短期”概念是指()个营业日之内。
A. 2 B. 5 C. 10 D. 15 [单选题]水平井、斜井通井,起出通井规,纯起管的速度应控制在()。
A. 10m/min B. 15m/min C. 20m/min D. 30m/min [多选题]监督执纪工作实行分级负责制:县级纪律检查委员会受理和审查( )的违纪问题。
A.县委委员、候补委员 B.县纪委委员、县委管理的党员干部 C.县委部门、县直单位党组 D.乡镇党委、纪委 [多选题]作为一种国际货币体系,布雷顿森林体系的主要运行特征有( )。
A.可兑换黄金的美元本位 B.可调整的固定汇率 C.短期国际收支失衡由国际货币基金组织提供信贷资金来解决 D.长期国际收支失衡通过调整汇率平价来解决 E.多种汇率安排并存的浮动汇率体系 [单项选择]国际护理学会1973年修订的《国际护士伦理守则》中,规定护士的基本职责哪项除外()
A. 增进健康 B. 恢复健康 C. 治愈疾病 D. 预防疾病 E. 减轻痛苦 [单选题]急性上呼吸道
A.急性鼻窦炎 B.中耳炎 C.气管-支气管炎 D.肺炎、心肌炎 E.以上都可能 [多选题]根据外汇管理规定,金融机构办理服务贸易收支业务的审核要点有( )。
A.按规定对相关交易单证的真实性及其与外汇收支的一致性进行合理审查 B.确认交易单证所列的交易主体、金额、性质等要素与其申请办理的外汇收支相一致 C.按照国际收支申报和服务贸易外汇收支管理信息申报规定审查境内机构和境内个人填写的申报凭证 D.办理服务贸易外汇收支业务应按规定期限留存审查后的交易单证备查 [判断题]船员纪律是指劳动纪律、涉外纪律。
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