患者女性,51岁,发现乳头有时出现鲜红色血性溢液,乳头附近扪及樱桃大小肿块,质软,可被推动 |
Researchers have studied the poor as
individuals, as families and households, as members of poor communities,
neighborhoods and regions, as products of larger poverty-creating structures.
They have been analyzed as victims of crime and criminals, as members of
minority cultures, as passive consumers of mass culture and active producers of
a "counterculture", as an economic burden and as a reserve army of labor—to
mention just some of the preoccupations of poverty research. The elites, who occupy the small upper stratum within the category of the non-poor, and their functions in the emergence and reproduction of poverty are as interesting and important an object for poverty research as the poor themselves. The elites have images of the poor and of poverty which shape their decisions and actions. So far, little is known about those A. they are also members of the same society as the poor B. they play an important role in creating and reproducing poverty C. solution of the poverty problem is at their mercy D. they know the living conditions of the poor better than other groups [单选题]呼吸器同一设备应采用同一种变色吸湿剂,其颗粒直径为( ),且留有1/5~1/6空间。
A.3~6mm B.4~7mm C.3~7mm D.4~8mm [单项选择]在以下关于过程调用的叙述中,正确的是
A. 实参与形参的个数必须相等 B. 当实参的个数多于形参个数时,多余的实参将被忽略 C. 在过程调用中,只能按值传送 D. 在过程调用中,只能按地址传送 [多选题] 中队(站)以下单位的人员,对配发或者分管的装备器材,应当( )。
A.会操作使用 B.会检查 C.会维护保养 D.会排除一般故障 [单项选择]
男性,25岁。因高位小肠瘘1天入院,入院后经颈内静脉插管滴入肠外营养液,两周后突然出现寒战、高热,无咳嗽、咳痰,腹部无压痛和反跳痛。 最有可能的诊断是()A. 高渗性非酮症昏迷 B. 肺部感染 C. 气胸 D. 导管性脓毒症 E. 咽喉部感染 [单项选择]C5~T2脊髓前联合受损时,检查可发现患者()
A. 双上肢痛、温觉及触觉缺失,但深感觉保留 B. 双上肢痛、温觉减退或缺失,但触觉及深感觉保留 C. 双下肢及胸部痛、温觉减退,但触觉及深感觉保留 D. 双上肢深感觉缺失,但触觉及痛、温觉保留 E. 双上肢深浅感觉均减退或消失 [判断题]电动机在运行中,允许电压在额定值的-5%~+10%范围内变化,电动机出力不变。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]1 "工程竣工验收的基本条件应符合下列哪些要求( )。
A.完成工程设计和合同约定的各项内容 B.施工单位在工程完工后对工程质量自检合格,并提出《工程竣工报告》 C.工程竣工资料正在编写中,但有施工单位签署的工程质量保修书 D.监理单位对施工单位的工程质量自检结果予以确认,并提出《工程质量评估报告》 E.工程施工中,工程质量检验合格,检验记录完整" [判断题]当发电车48V蓄电池输出24V时,车上部分48V直流负载将停止使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有限空间作业前,应对作业设备、工具及防护器具进行( )。
A.安全检查 B.安全试验 C.清洗消毒 [多选题]委员会委员在任期内出缺,一般应当召开( )补选。
A.党委委员会 B.党员委员会 C.党员大会 D.党员代表大会 我来回答: 提交