初产妇,26岁。38周妊娠,单臀,规律腹痛8小时入院,未破膜,查骨盆正常,宫口开大4cm,胎心140次/分,估计胎儿体重 3000g。 |
If adults liked to read books that were
exceedingly difficult, they’ d all be reading Proust. Most don’ t. So why, reading experts ask, do schools expect children to read — and love to read — when they are given material that is frequently too hard for them Science and social studies textbooks arc at least a grade above the reading levels of many students, experts say, and in some suburban and urban school systems, reading lists can include books hard for some adults to tackle. Toni Morrison’s award-winning novel "Beloved," about a former slave’ s decision to kill her child rather than see her enslaved, is on some middle schools’ lists for kids to read unassisted. And elementary schools sometimes ask students to read books such as "The Bridge to Terabithia," with themes about death and gen A. easy B. difficult C. suitable D. bad [填空题]抗战时期,八路军在团以上、新四军在师以上设立了 ( ),作为党在该部队的最高军政领导机构。
A.5 B.3 C.10 D.30 [判断题]普速铁路使用电话闭塞法行车时,列车占用区间的行车凭证为路票。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]要加强对资金业务( )的检查监督,并将发现的违规、违纪、徇私、舞弊行为及时向本单位负责人和上级单位报告,督促做好整改落实工作。
A.真实性 B.合法性 C.合规性 D.安全性 [单项选择] Women’’s minds work differently from men’’s. At least, that is what most men are convinced of. Psychologists view the subject either as a matter of frustration or a joke. Now the biologists have moved into this minefield, and some of them have found that there are real differences between the brains of men and women. But being different, they point out hurriedly, is not the same as being better or worse.
There is, however, a definite structural variation between the male and female brain. The difference is in a part of the brain that is used in the most complex intellectual processes—the link between the two halves of the brain.
The two halves are linked by a trunk line of between 200 and 300 million nerves, the corpus callosum. Scientists have found quite recently that the corpus callosum in women is always larger and probably richer in nerve fibres than it is in men. This is the first time that a structural difference has been found between the brains of women and men a
A. To outline the research findings on the brain structure. B. To explain the link between sex and brain structure. C. To discuss the various factors that cause brain differences. D. To suggest new areas in brain research. [判断题] 备份上航班后请假者,均按误机处理。(T)
* A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某人血气结果如下:pH7.45,HCO3- 32mmol/l,PaCO2 48mmHg,他发生了何 种酸碱失衡
A.呼吸性酸中毒 B.呼吸性碱中毒 C.代谢性酸中毒 D.代谢性碱中毒 E.混 合性酸碱失衡 [判断题]2号线各站PSL安装在端门小固定门上,方便站务人员操作和监视站台门开/关及间隙探测器工作情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电路中的短路是指? ( )
A.电流不通过电器元件直接接通 B.通往电器元件的线路断开 C.电路中的电阻过大 D.通过电器元件的线路过短。 [简答题]润滑油为何上油管细,回油管粗?
A. 地壳 B. 地幔 C. 岩石圈 D. 土壤圈 我来回答: 提交